Show Letters to the Editor's Letters must be submitted to the editor no later than p.m. on the day preceding Length limit is and the Chronicle reserves the right to edit letters to adapt to space Letters must be signed and include the writer's student Little Tidbits Dear Due to the persistence of I would like to answer some of his twice mentioned His reference to little tidbits that will delight the is not entirely clear to but taken it sounds like a good I am disappointed that my opponent can see no middle ground between moron jokes and obscene There is James uses the Bible as an excuse for the story in There is a vast The Bible states that certain people committed adultery and severely condemns them for it rather than going into every sensual detail as the story In reference to murders and thefts can also be done skillfully and perhaps with in the opinion of the James considers it narrow mindedness to criticize an immoral what of There are those who consider it narrow-mindedness not to be In these uses of the I am willing to be termed DARROW RICHARDSON A Dear It grieves me to see that there are still some minds at the University of Utah that are so narrow that they fail to grasp the significance of the which has come to the and which has been championed on our campus by our own May broadmindedness gain dominion and such narrow minded ideas as that and moral responsibility be banished from our society what torment the great minds of the past must have felt as society forced them to deal in poetic allusions instead of frank and intimate detail in describing the amorous exploits of their It is heartening to see this trend of freedom extended great minds must have thought of even to which in times past were constrained to convey information and emotion according to their Now they have been liberated to arrange themselves at freed forever from such conventionalities as May this same freedom soon be extended to TO CONTINUE this trend toward universal the arts will find science a willing What a glorious future we may all look forward to as the arts labor to reduce mankind to its lowest level of reality and science gives the power to raise men to their highest level of The arts and sciences uniting to extend freedom even to the particles of the that they may be free all law arid inhibitions in one gigantic burst of nuclear power achieve the perfect freedom of gaseous anarchy which they may enjoy as a result of man's last great sacrifice to the cause of broad-mindedness and absolute With hope for the RICHARD LAYTON Can Dear the 16 editorial on the Junior I was wondering where the editor got his information about the so-called raise over last year's The price of the Prom ticket last year was and this year is on advanced According to my method of subtraction this is an increase of only 50 I can't reasonably believe that- the editor is unable to do this simple subtraction The reason for this price increase is to provide better The Junior Prom tee felt that it would persons who attend the Junior enjoyment by also a It was originally planned to W two-forty minute floor shows we decided this was an long time for persons to have I e 10 WE FELT that by having a COn cert people would enjoy being abb to sit down rather than stand hear this excellent performer o We are very glad to have other people's but we wish tev would find out the facts first Yours PEGGY Ticket Chairman To Quote Dear In regards to the controversial editorial that appeared in our cam pus newspaper entitled Ar I would like to correct a grievous error that was BEING A lover of music and hav-ing great admiration for those who have gained the credentials of I feel that it is horribly poor judgment that this newspaper has taken the liberty to discredit a world-famed Andre Let me quote Music Paul composer with the jazz area which he knows Previn is without STEPHEN S. JACOBSEN |