Show OLD-TIME TEAM of competitors pose for The Women's Recreation Association is almost as old as the sponsors varied types of sports activities for University Organization is an Old One By JANET KIMBALL Publicity Manager The Recreation is as old as the University of It is very likely that some of today's students had a grandmother that was a captain of the girls' hockey team back in which is pictured WOMEN have always had a place in Today in the has a sport for every girl and a girl for every As a matter of they even have sports for the guys on Co-recreational volleyball is now getting under Teams have already begun to form and the fellows are anxious to get more girls on their Any girl interested in playing in the tournament can sign the sheet posted in the Girls' Gym on the bulletin all men on campus are encouraged to join one of these The guys can sign up at Tony Simone's office in Gym The sorority and independent women's basketball teams begin their annual tournament The playing schedule will appear weekly in the Other activities for the quarter include a ping pong tournament badminton club every Thursday noon in the BYU sports basketball tryouts and the annual Snow and the Spring Spread which is held Last 22 sorority and independent teams entered compe-tion in the annual bowling Jane Norton the event THE GIRLS bowled from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The results were in favor of Pi Beta who placed first with points in the sorority Dorm Dolls of the independent league also took a well earned place with Second place independent team was Little Women and third place went to High point sorority girl was Lucille High point independent was Linda |