Show GAMBLING HOUSES ARE CLOSED POLICE HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO MAKE ARRESTS district attorney has expressed a determination to keep the houses closed from fridays standard down twenty fifth street where the entrance to the gambling houses are men are aaen with their hands deep in their pockets poc keta talking in an undertone and occasionally breaking out in a mirthful laugh as the humor of the situation appeals to them they are tho gamblers in the city the faro bank the roulette wheel the fortune wheel and other wheels and paraphernalia of a gaming nature are in disuse they have been out of use for 24 hours they are to so it the orders of the chief of police are obeyed these orders were given to be obeyed every officer on the force was given instructions to watch the houses and stop by arrest any one caught in the act of gambling to catch them in the act of gambling is the difficult proposition that confronts ahe champions of the law some are of the opinion that games will be conducted on th esly which will disclose themselves to tho authorities only when some one has lost money and wishes to get even with the house by informing others think that gamblers will remove themselves from the city and ply their business in other towns a few n opposition to this conclusion affirm that a fight will be made to determine whether the gambler has the right to gamble these few are of the opinion that the question will be made a state affair in the next session of the legislature no action has been taken by the gamblers themselves they prefer to let the people talk before they make a decision should popular express itself in an audible protest and in favor of the policy taken by the district attorney there remains but one action leave town tonight it Is expected by the police that something will happen to determine the stand of the gamblers all proprietors of bouses caught and also those taking part in a game will be arrested and prosecuted this Is the only policy of the authorities the district attorney has expressed his determination mi nation to stand by his declaration and see that it la obeyed to tho letter DIVORCE IS GRANTED A suit tor instituted by catherine M blair vs james 8 biair in which the ogden state bank was made a party to the suit in order to restrain the defendant blair from removing moneys deposited there came up tor hearing before judge armstrong in the district court this morning on motion q attorney halverson the case as to the ogden state bank was dismissed tho testimony of the plaintiff mrs blair and james B morris was taken and the petition for divorce granted SUGAR BEET MONEY arc receiving from the factory farmers from weber county arc receiving the last payment on this years beet crop checks to the amount of for beeta and tor wages were paid last month the pay roll was more than twice the amount that it is today the total paid to farmers and laborers will not reach over for he same last year the amount reached the in years is due to the decreased tonnage harvested this year which has been tons short of the crop of 1904 amounts of money not so large as tho local distribution are being paid out at the logan and lewiston wiston Lc factor es for the three factories the total today to beet raisers and laborers will not reach over merchants arc expecting a boom in this week on account of the large amount of money in circulation which they anticipate will be in part turned into christmas purchases and winter supplies of various articles of necessity from the amount of business done today this expectation will be fulfilled those who li ad not the pleasure of seeing uie britt nelson fight for the championship of the world and who saw tho moving pictures of the fight at the grand last evening saw tho next best thing for the pictures are so good that it almost seems as though the actual fight were going on before ones eyes every move of the fighters is faithfully depicted and as round after round Is fought the look of distress on the facea of the is plainly discernible nible as they alvo and take blow after blow up until the thirteenth round drift seems to have the best Q tho argument although his jabs to the face and body of nelson do not to have worried the dane for ho cagne back strong after each exchange britt hit as many as three blows to belsons nelsons Nel sons one but the latter seemed to have more force the knockdown and tho knockout of britt is clearly shown and thoa terrible force with which the dano hit britt was appreciated by au wha baw the pictures EPIDEMIC OF HOG CHOLERA five hundred hogs destroyed in one day vancouver B C dec 14 the epidemic of hog which broke out at several weeks ago has developed startling proportions and drastic measures are being taken to stamp it out dr booro and dr lawson of the dominion government veterinary department part ment up the fight and nv tred lions were i 1 day |