Show RIO brande FRANCHISE IS NOT ACTED UPON secial meeting of the council wilf consider it thursday canvass of election returns Is made from tuesdays standard contrary to expectations the franchise asked for bythe by the rio grande western railway company for permission to lay tracks across twenty first twenty second 1 and twenty third s from the main line 0 their road to the site of the proposed new nas not reported back from tho law and street committee ot the city council at their meeting last evening by agreement the council previous to the meeting had decided to let the franchise pass tor the night and arranged to take it up at a special meeting to be held on thursday evening the main business of the session was the official canvass 0 the returns of the election held last tuesday which was taken up after the regular routine ot the council had been disposed of the greatest interest in the canvass centered in the recount of the vote tor the council in the second ward where powers won out over tracy by iut 23 votes that was the plurality given powers on the first count and was found to bo correct on the recount conrays Con roys plurality was found to be about tha same gaining five votes on the recount at tha regular session of the council all ot the member with the exception of councilman cragg were present as were a number of citizens who were interested in the granting ot ithe franchise to the rio grande western to croes several ot the streets and officials of the harriman and the gould roads W J shealy chief cleric to 1 leendent manson was present in the interests of tho Harri roan roads who are understood to be trying to block the granting of the franchise as was E SI alaison AlI Ison attorney tor the rio grande and 0 B guson local agent of the road the franchise bad not been reported back from tha joint committee to which it was referred at the last meeting of the council and the only matter bearing on the granting of the franchise was the reading of a petition received from four property holders in block 37 through the gould road proposes to run its tracks to the new freight terminals the petition was referred to the joint committee the reported recommending that the petition of ridhard J allson Wl lson asking that he be to redeem certain property sold for taxes be allowed the report waa adopted bills for the month 0 october were reported amounting to and were allowed and ordered paid sanitary inspector power reported 9 cases of diphtheria 1 case of chicken pox and 3 cases of smallpox in quarantine george johnson dog tax collector reported having collected the tax on twenty eight dogs during the month of october the amount 0 the tax collected amounting to 56 the following partial estimates of work done were reported by city engineer parker and the repents were adopted and referred to the finance commatee first partial estimates due J P oneill extension no 2 io curbing andrut bering district no 13 and city hall square extension NO 1 to curbing anaut district no 20 j extension no 1 to curbing and gut no 6 curbing and guttering district no li extension no 1 to curbing and guttering district no 12 glrst partial estimates due wheel wight bros extension no 2 to sidewalk districts noia 1 IS and 22 extension no 2 to district no sidewalk intersections for bunding a catch basin city engineer parker reported having received a communication from the ogden rapid transit company masking tor the location of tracks on all avenues between twenty fourtly and twenty second streets accompanying the communication was a map showing the profile and grade of the new track which the city engineer recommended be not accepted and asked that special committee be appointed to confer with him on the matter on motion of mr chambers the recommendation was referred to the committee atty engineer farker reported that the city had gained jurisdiction in the sidewalk district between wash ington and adams avenue on twenty seventh street on motion of sir williams the engineer was instructed to take the necessary steps looking to the completion of the work profiles were submitted showing i the grade on the canyon road A communication from the city engineer asking that an appropriation of 50 be made for the purpose of having the asphalt recently laid on twenty fourth street analyzed caused considerable discussion and after argument the louon of chambers to have the city engineer order the con to submit report of the analysis of the substance was adopted at the request of tha recorder the compensation of the judges of elec uon and the rental of voting places vas fixed at 3 and 5 respectively I 1 A petition was received signed by william II 11 wright A W main william wagner and L A shepherd asking tha the franchise asked tor by the rio grande western railway to cross certain streets be not granted referred to the joint committee on resolution of randall SO was appropriated to complete the work on 0 bome alm aeo B M robinson filed a petition with be cound praying that batons drug etore at five points be debarres debarred de from S liquor unless the proprietor aued a reta license the stated that he paid the reguster retail liquor license and that be was seriously injured by reason i r I 1 of the farug store retailing liquor the problem was referred to the police committee |