Show POST OFFICE DUTIES ARE REGROUPED washington bisoi 1 lost dusler general cortelyon Cor today issued aa order of far reaching importance redistributing the duties of the fourth assistant postmaster general and affecting the entire estal service the order will carry effect oa december ast 1st a plan of postmaster general to consolidate the work by grouping under one bureau allied subjects the will be to place under the postmaster generals personal supervision tho direction oc the postal service the first assistant the personnel and management tinder the assistant all matters relating to the transportation of the mails under the third assistant all mall matters of postal finance and under the fourth assistant the rural free deliveries miscellaneous postal cie by taking the division of appointments the division of bonds and commissions and the division of city delivery a fourth assistant and giang to the first assistant the latter official will have under his immediate supervision j tho entire personnel of the throughout the country including postmasters assistant postmasters clerks and carriers except rural carriers and a great deal of needless correspondence pon dence between the two bureaus with serious delays in action arising for a division of authority the office of the beconi assistant postmaster general will continue to have charge of the great subject of the transportation of tho malls and while its division organization is not affected the transfer to the first assistant postmaster general of the control of the movement of the mails within the jurisdiction of the larger Is contemplated under the order tho office of the third assistant is affected by the transfer to it of the division of the money orders from the office of the first assistant the third assistant already has the stamp division the registry division and the division of pontal finance and the addition of the money order division will bring the principal revenue producing branches of the department under one head thai division of flies and records in this office is abolished and its personnel and work is assigned to the chief clerk of the bureau making hla duty conform to elioso of similar positions in the other bureau while the office of the fourth assistant postmaster general has taken from it the preparation of cases sor the appointment of postmasters it gains in progress transferred to it the division of the dead letters division of the supplies aad the to raphers office it will continue to have the rural tree delivery service the growth 0 which in recent years has been phenomenal and it is her that much can be done in the direction of improved service and economies of administration H beng relieved of the immense task of tho appointment and bonding and the supervision of iha city tree delivery service the fourth assistant can devote a larger share 0 attention to this newest and in some respects most important branch of the postal service the chief in addition to he supervision of the inspectors spec tors will hereafter have charge of rural agents who as members of the force of the department can with great advantage be assigned to the division of inspectors the of supplies t being re organized and enlarged so as to cm brace practically all ot tie supply work of the department |