Show SAN FRANCISCO UNION WANTS STRIKE BREAKERS STOPPED gang of their under armed guard passed through from st louis this morning from wednesdays standard traveling under hie protection prot eption of an armed guard a party of strike breakers are reporter to have left ac louis last night for san francisco to break tho strike of the typographical workers now on in the latter city the first intimation 0 the affair wag an ambiguous telegram which wa received at police headquarters yesterday from H L white secretary of the sau francisco typographical union the telegram read A gang of men under armed guard left st louls last night tor fian francisco detain ft jaw permits ate gun fighters answer my expense the trouble in san francisco s duo to the action of book and job firms who are trying to get out of an agreement that they haye avith the union which guaranteed an eight hour day at 20 a week they now want the union to agree to a nine hour day at the same wages this the union refused to consider and the lockout Is the re suit back of the lockout Is the alliance who are endeavoring to suppress the unions in various parts of the country the strike breakers will pass through ogden some time tomorrow night A delegation of local printers waited upon chief of police brewing tonight to see jf it was not contrary to the law for an armed party to pass through the city just what action the chief will take Is not known but it is understood that he does not believe that he has jurisdiction in the matter the case Is fully covered however by the statutes of the united states which forbids the traveling of armed bodies from one state to another without of the consent of that state attempt at interception sacramento july 11 john wilson representing the san francisco ty po graphical union and a representative of the printing press mens union of this city arrived here tonight for the purpose of intercept ing the carload of strike breaks ing printers and pressmen who are en route from kansas city to san francisco to lake the places of the men who are locked out by the job printing offices p san francisco mr wilson and his companions will use moral suasion |