Show ALL OVER A DOG amusing scenes in police court dur lne the giving of evidence from thursdays standard anton P Cliris made out a complaint yesterday against carl jacobson for keeping a malicious and savage dog hd had five witnesses to give testimony in police court against six brought by jacobson peterson started the testimony judge you may give what you know of tho case peterson saturday J was woke up in the morning early toy the chickens I 1 got up and called mine daughter and run out to see a dog jump the fence out in the field vaa a chicken dead und aarm aud up I 1 followed the dog to jacobsons und demanded pay for the chicken jacobson he called me names und said he bould slap mine face it I 1 got on his land den I 1 tella him dot the law bould make him pay for the chicken judge air jacobson you may ask him questions jacobson did you say that the dog was mine yes jacobson you are a liar here the judge interposed to lecture jacobson and give him a few rules on court etiquette mrs christanson was and corroborated her husbands statements then jacobson started act 2 of abo farce he said that the dog did not belong to him but was in the habit 0 staying the whole neighborhood going the rounds regularly that he did kill chickens and ought to be turned over to the dog catcher but continued jacobson my dog was lying on the porch at the time hera Chrls blurted out a question you take aith that the dog was not yourn jacobson did not answer mrs penrose Pen rosc alster ln baw to jacobson was called and stated that chris banson was very mad and looked wild vy vas I 1 so vald shouted chris tian sou dot cur he killed my 50 cent hen tho judge tn a few scathing sentenced rebuked the defendant and plaintiff you arp both guilty of disturbing the peace said the judge 1 I ought to fine you for Ms offense offen sc this case however Is not a case for the city attorney who drew up the papers but la one for the dog catcher case dismissed SEWERS FOR MANILA sail francisco nov 2 according to specifications received by the local chamber of commerce tho city of manila will have 52 miles of sewera and something more than ten rolles 0 water mains when the plans that the insular authorities have in view are carried out the water supply will cross the Maia ainna river and a dam will bo erected three miles above siou talba and sixteen miles northeast of manila the diameter 0 he water will be 12 inches to furnish an outfall for tho sewer system a pipe tho length of feet will be laid below th bed of the harbor of manila and one double line of pipe will cross the s y |