Show ambassador to submit an agreement to roosevelt berlin oct SO baron speck the german ambassador to the united states who sailed fo new york oct 25 from bremen title north ghannan lloyd steamship steam shin kaiser wilhelm II 11 will on his arrival at washington this week submit to president roosevelt the proposals at the german government tor a ne trade agreement between the united states and germany the ambassador takes with him full knowledge of tha german governments position and 13 prepared to negotiate the correspondent of the associated press asked the foreign office if la view of the public interest in the unit ed states on this subject the imperial chancellor would not defene ger manya attitude with similar espres sion prince von buelow receive dho correspondent today and among othni things sard an idea I 1 suspect is abroad ibi america that the changes in the G man tariffs and tho modification agree ments with other european countries were in some way directed against tha united states and that germany desired to damage the trade of the united states this I 1 am glad to say vaa never a motive with the german gov eminent and the proposals that ara about to be made are designed to chease the exchanges between tha two countries and not to contract them the facilities for transportation between germany and the unite states are destroying their locality and by the operation of forces the control of either of them ara bringing the two peoples into greater identity of economic interests eachl country has special aptitudes and prow ducts of which the other may avail itself and yet maintain the revenue and protective systems adjusted to atsy individual situation germany is as little inclined to ahapa its commercial policy according 0 o rigid dogma as the united states wai desire to promote the interests of out country and act in consideration of its economic needs the old tariff 0 1879 with the amendments added t it in the course of time no longer cor respond in view of the development 0 germany s economic life with othea interests germanas germanys Germ anys agriculture ii particular suffered in consequence ola the treaties of the uin etlea whose chie purpose was to win foreign markets for this reason special attention wag given to german agriculture in tha new tariffs that this aim is not hoa tile for tho interests of other coun tries we bavo already proved by tha negotiation of a series 0 new bonit mercial conventions with the united states too we can live upon a friend ly footing in trade ic lations and cs tend our system of exchanges to advantage of both countries such i our will could not the existing arrange ment resting on the moat favored n tion interpretation of the existing treaties be continued that appear to be the prevailing sentiment in thi united states prince von buelow replying said A continuation of the present coni dillons unchanged is not possible only tor the reason that our of 1900 with the united states ij founded expressly u an tariff under the old commercial treaties with austria hungary italy land belgium servia roumania and russia these duties in consequence of our new tariff and our new commer cial treaties will be abolished at th end of february thus the ger man american management will lose its basis when the new tariff goe 3 into effect march ast 1st next and therefore the imperial government ie under th necessity of giving notice of the term nation of this agreement on march we by no means wish however that the present agreement should nobe superseded by another arrange benr we have naturally a wish fo a new agreement with the united states and this wish corresponds no only with the friendly political reto eions of the two peoples but also wah the economic needs of both the imperial ambassador barfort speck von who will return in a few days to his post afe washington will lay before the american government proposals correspond ing to this statement of the case 0 course if we wish in our new agreement with the united states to main tain tho same points of view as thosa that controlled us in recasting our general commercial relationship anc in the new treaties already we have accordingly drawn out proposals after a careful examination of the german interests affected buu proposition will I 1 think be within practical interests and we shall approach the american government with no request that would injure thai vital features of the american economic organism it seems to me that interested parties on both sides set their hope tco high and sometimes let their fears go loo far moreover they do no always know and consider sufficiently the conditions on the other side wa hope on with the operation cooperation co thao the american government has alwa emphasized that a just reciprocity will be the basis ot all commercial agreements and we will be able 0 o reach an arrangement sails factory to both nations would you conduct such tion s by correspondence was asbeil the most expedit course mcash for furthering the work said io pance would be that ten men OB both sides having special acquaint abuce with customs and tariff matera mat erB should meet for an open and of views and friendly A direct alth the standpoints of the opposite party always has a wholesome and conciliatory effect perhaps an aw could be attained in way J more surely and more quickly a |