Show VOTE FOR MEN the republicans have put up como strong arguments thlu campaign they have shown you sir voter what rc publican rule has done for the city and how much a democratic administration has cost the taxpayers they point to a clean record in the past and on its strength ask you to uphold them for another term the very strongest argument however which they have adduced in their efforts to gain your support is one which will convince not only ou mr republican but jou also sir democrat that argument Is not based on republican measures but on republican men the republican ticket la one ol 01 sterling manhood and acknowledged merit 4 good measures may be passed toy bad men the democrats may pour glittering generalities into your ears about graft in republican administrations in the past lies but charges which aro bard to refute at this late date but right here as where we have the democrats nailed we can point out to you a ticket made up of men whom you have known for many years who it you are a first voter your father has known and trusted in these men you may implicitly put your trust and for them you may safely cast your vote they have never betrayed a trust yet and never will let us briefly go over the list read the open look of cheso mens lives as briefly summarized in last sundays examiner after reading go forth and verity then ask yourself whether you would not your municipal prosperity to these upright and reputable men guided ay the splendid principles which guide theodore roosevelt or whether you would give your cites life into the hands of those excellent no doubt but unknown and untried men whose leaky old bark democracy has neither chart nor compass to guide it over the unknown of the coming beare what better man could we have tor mayor than that sterling american rudolpf kuchler he knows what business life is he understands and be knows ogden he kiowa her needs and feels with her in her aspirations he is the ideal man tor maor his merits the democrats admit john E bagley la another man whose life is bound up in that of tho city he has already proved his ability to steer ogden safely through the legal shoals which anny city must encounter in its progress james E the republican candidate tor city treasurer is tho logical candidate for the position ho Is a graduate of tho IT of U and has been in tho banking profession for many years ho knows financial matters froni A to Z his integrity la so sterling nd eo well known that it is never spoken of wo take it tor granted AB city treasurer mr halverson will ably nil a congenial post tho cites financial interests will be ae safe as tho united states government W j crutchlow nominee for city recorder has done no much n the past tor that that it would bo criminal carelessness on tho part of the biers to let him bo supplanted in it ha has mado the office what it is in tho way of efficiency and low cost sirs florence oneill stanford Is the candidate tor city auditor she ie a staunch republican but that IB not her chief claim for office her claim for voles is that she has made good in the cites work and will do BO again tho idea of the republicans iu slating her for office Is to havo an official who can do tho work and do it well that Is mrs stanford john D murphy municipal judge read his terrible confession ho has a lend pipe cinch it such an 01 docs not eavor too much 0 contempt of courtr on election reelection re the republicans will vote for him the democrats aro all going to vote for him all those who have passed through Ms hands and who have B vote will cast it tor him even tho floaters who remember his justice with ats of mercy will add the ciup of bood wini minah Min ph is the ideal candidate for the position john W austin tc votes of the first municipal ward has proved his ability in tho field of practical work ho has solved tho problem 0 existence for a mother and six brothers at an early age he took a fathers place ho filled it well he Is a man to trust a man broad shouldered enough to bear the responsibilities of being a city father vote tor him dr J H powers would become councilman for tho second attard liec tho nominee for the fifth council manship he Is a medical man he la also a republican and a gentleman his scientific training however a what wo would lay stress on cities like individuals have to fight disease to ward off epidemics to prevent helpless children from forces they cannot cope with alone A man t science therefore on the city council is a sins qua non we must awe one or two in case the democrats try 10 steal tho above argument and lit it on to their defeat destined candidate tor mayor dr conroy let ui remark that an actively practicing physician for mayor IB a thing tha city cannot stand tor the mayors duties and responsibilities differ from thosa of a councilman A physician is necessarily a not a man of financial and business acumen an offending appendix can be located and cut out II 11 Is a constant you know where to look for it and what to do elih it sometimes A leakage of the heart obeys certain laws A leakage of city funds however would not be capable of detection and prevention ay the use of alie physicians faculties the laws of graft have not been deduced as have the laws of tho body A physician as maor would be out of place ho would find that the body municipal is not amenable to the treatment he has given the body individual that is a digression though we are dealing with personalities hero not conditions and talking about personalities there is a strong one in joseph B dana nominated by the third ward he has worked hard nil hia life and succeeded in his work he had character enough to gave invest and finally work for himself instead of for others he is the man we want to nil a seat in the council ho Is also the man we are going to see elected for the fifth ward Sher nian H brownes name is up teacher postmaster a nd successful business man such ia his story education executive ability business jacumin that Is what the story means he can fill the bill and we predict that he will get the honor of a seat in the council dr george A dicksion Dick fiOn has been put up by the fifth ward with the same training as his brother physician dr powers he will add to the strength of the council immensely in all that pertains to health he Is a lover of ogden and in the capacity of city physician has won the esteem of all who have seen him work ho has character and he is capable now mr voter it iou are a democrat after reading this do not say well ill vote for so and so because I 1 believe he is a good man although I 1 am a democrat no matter how good a man iou vote for it you surround him with a lot of fellow workers you have killed him as far as civic usefulness Is concerned it you want an effective council vote a straight ticket take a straight tip and vote a straight republican ticket the republicans have the men and they are men who vill deliver the goods the prosperity of the city depends on sour vote remember Rem embar if ogden does not go forward it will go back the democrats nor any other power on earth could not hold the city stationary your vote is going to decide which way the city and you with it will travel therefore vote the republican ticket and vote it straight |