Show man of dress suit case mystery is a physical wreck pittsburg oct 31 tho condition ot morris nathan the loung man in custody here charged with n tho winthrop dresa suit case mystery Is serious he has a high anu ia practically a physical wreck little credence creden cB Is placed by In of detectives ia the report that members of the shepherd king company know much more concerning miss gearas fate b n they have told kimeo wryght tor imers japanese valet and B rector sam forest both close friends of nathans have been frani in their statements made to the debei aves and the authorities are that the truth haq been told nathans despondency since his rest is regarded as important by he police officials and they are cone r efforts to learn wha caused it and also to ascertain Ws lieda condition when she was last sen in tho company 0 the prisoner that the may whether his connection with the case extends beyond the mere tact of giving her medical assistance |