Show FUNERAL EMPEY the funeral services over the remains ot the late thomas who died on tuesday lafelt were held at 2 yesterday afternoon in the lynne ward meeting house bishops counsellor rasmus christoffer son presiding the were largely attended by relatives and friends and the flor al offerings were both numerous and tho vard choir rendered a number ot selections the speakers were bishops ward of north ogden and james taylor ot mound fort patriarch george W clarkia and president C F the speakers the life ot the deceased ro to hie exercised in all hla ot life that he had always been to hia religious in aie utter day church and haa always dono hta utmost to further alie flause They teU that bo would renelva exaltation and great etorly the fin kingdom ol 01 heaven because or bis upright lite A funeral cortege several blacka in kongth followed be remains to the ogden city cemetery where they were laid to rest in the bartal plot ot bla bishop george baseda the remains of lis alta who preceded him several years the grave being dedicated by counsellor walter crane A issued in the county clerks yesterday afternoon to thomas 8 and minuett of ogden |