Show looked more like piece of raw beef than human bein doctors useless blessed rei iemand first real sleep in weeks after first application and i SPEEDY CURE BY REMEDIES words cannot describe the ferri ble eczema I 1 buffered with I 1 vas almost a mass of sox es from betta to foot and looked ask SK a more like a piece of raw beef than a tuman being blood and pus from a great sore on my scalp from my finger nail yand nearly all 0 vcr my body anaf every hair in wy head fell out I 1 could not fit down for my clothes would stick to tc raw and bleeding flesh making me cry ont with pain my doctor da au he I 1 could but I 1 got worse and awse did not think I 1 could live and wonted death to end my frightful sufferings my mother in law begged me to I 1 said I 1 would but had no hope of recover yi but oh watt blessed relief I 1 experienced after applying ointment it ahe bleeding and itching flesh and brought me the first real sleep ia weeks it was as grateful as ice to a burning tongue I 1 would bathe arith warm water and anticura soap then apply the ointment freely and took the for the blood soon the borca stopped running the flesh began to heal my hair started to grow and in a short time I 1 was completely cured if any one donats this tell them to write to me hunt thomas st newark NJ camelet Cam uia wt tor troy humor from pimple to ran alk conri of aap bac Olat men ave i rafol sctt oc in orm fit choai Ch ocI colad FUI ac per of V tny b h td 01 A enrie d afta curt avia ficq tac FROM PARENT TO CHILD the laws of heredity arc invariably and the diseased blood of parents is handed down to children in the form of scrofula being thus deeply rooted nothing can reach the disease but a constitutional remedy the very foundation of the blood is diseased and until it ii purified and made strong those who broj born with a tendency have the blessing of robust health cleveland 0 brownell st I 1 my ancestry and athla aban of bourso blood and rua down debilitated cor 0 oma lasi writ at promotes and rih and enerst up tha denoral health in every way andl addition to bing an exoe llant blood pa afler it as a remedy tor scrofula it did moro for ana I 1 have used and alta pia pi 1 anro I 1 it B B B completely cured ina of athla 8 8 si the king of blood purifiers the medicine that is required because changes the quality of the blood b cleansing ft of all poisons and building it up and strengthening the cc system when S 8 S has restoria rest orca the blood to a healthy condition an forced out the scrofulous deposits ahert is a sure return to health no remco has ever been found to equal this arc vegetable preparation for the cure of B 4 diseases te from a disused dis ased ae 1 or impure at fc or UK wb have scrofula B y any tendency PURELY VEGETABLE that way write case and we will send you a book describing the disease aud give without f any medical advice you may need fi THE SWIFT CO atlanta |