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Show INTERESTING patchwork is here for your doing. Arrowheads of color and white are held together by diamond bouquets appliqued over the joinings. It's new it's different it's the Indian Arrowhead Arrow-head pieced quilt. Pattern No. Z9594 Sixty-four blocks and a six-Inch border make a quilt of 101-inch size. The pattern pat-tern with accurate cutting guides and complete directions may be had as Z9594, 15 cents. Send your order to: AUNT MARTHA 207W Westport Kd., Kansas City, Mo. Enclose 15 cents for each pattern desired. Pattern No Name Address f MISERIES OF n iaby'sCold ' Now . . . here's wonderful home-proved home-proved medication that works 2waysatonce torelievedistressof child's cold even while he sleeps ! Hub throat, chest and back with Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. Instantly VapoRub starts to relieve re-lieve coughing spasms, muscular soreness or tightness, and invite restful sleep. Often by morning, most of the misery Is gone. For baby's sake, try VapoRub when colds strike. It must be good, because whencolds. . strike it is whatlJCKS most mothers use. V VaeoRue j Mechanical Christener One of the shipbuilding firms on the eastern seaboard now uses a bottle-swinging machine which has been nicknamed "Christine" in the christening of its smaller vessels. When KIDNEYS need diuretic aid When overstrain or other non-organic, non-systemic cause slows doum kidney function, the back may ache painfully. Naturally, urinary flow may be lessened frequent but scanty often smarting. "Getting "Get-ting up nights" may ruin sleep. To relieve such symptoms, you want quick stimulation of kidney action. To help attain this, try Gold Medal Capsules. This easy-to-take diuretic has been famous for over 30 years for such prompt action. Take care to use only as directed on package. pack-age. Only 35i! at drug stores. Accept no i substitute. Get the genuine Gold Medal I Capsules today. They act jastl SNAPPY FACTS ' "v ABOUT J RUBBER A Wisconsin track driver re- . cently received a tribute from the Office of the Rubber Direc- J tor because he risked his life to save the tires on the trailer of a tractor-trailer unit he was driving. The trailer caught fire, but the driver jacked it up and removed the tires while it was ablaze. The far-reaching Influence of the rubber situation will be appreciated appreci-ated when It Is known that close to 40 of the motor vehicles ever made fn this country were still In service In December, 1941. More than half of them were owned by families with Incomes of less than $30 a week. B.E99cInh |