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Show Personals DR LEVI DELK. foot specialist, corns, calluses, cal-luses, ingrown cluh nails, bunions, flat feet, weak arches corrected. Comnlcte treatment, both feet 1.50 304 Felt BldE., Salt Lake OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USKD desks and chairs, files, typewriters, nddinc mch's. safes, bk-cases. S. L. DESK EX.. 35 W. Broadway. S. L. C BARBER COLLEGE EARN WHILE YOU LEARN Demand for barbers. Salt Lake Barber Collece. 170 Repent St., formerly Moler Barber ColleKe. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Reconditioned Band Instruments at bargain prices Liberal trades. BEESLEY MUSIC CO.. 70 So. Main, Salt Lake City. Utah USED EQUIPMENT CNTERMOUNTAIN MERCHANTS SUPPLY (Dealers in Bankrupt Stocks! We buy and sell all kinds of business fixtures fix-tures and equip Cash registers, meat scales, office equip 56 E. 4th So.. Salt Lake City PERSONALS DEAFNESS, noises relieved. Address DR. TAYLOR, Ear Specialist. Cameron. Texas. USED CARS TRAILERS USED CARS TRAILER COACHES Liberal Credit Terms JESSE M. CHASE Buy Sell Trade 651 So. Main Street Salt Lake City also locations in KHJKOjm USED TIRES We have a limited number of Rood used tires 17" to 23" for use on farm wagorii Build a wason from your old car LYMAN MOTOR COMPANY 587 South Main St.. Salt Lake City. Utah WE NEED MORE MAN If you can't pass a physical examination and still want to help our great country m whipping the Japs, we have this Civil Service offer, (telegram) "Applications ore being forwarded this date for your students to fill out and return re-turn to this office. If they meet the Civil Service requirements for General Mechanics Me-chanics Helper. S1500 per annum, they can be extended employment." WAR DEPT., Fairfield Air Depot All of our students who have applied hav been accepted on the above appointment, COME IN AND SEE US AT ONCE. Frye Aircraft Company of Utah 158 Motor Avenue Salt Lake City. Uta W.N.U. Week No. 4223 SALT LAKE DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP When bowels are sluggish and you feel irritable, headachy and everything you do is an effort, do as millions do chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chewing gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A-MINT before you go to bed sleep without with-out being disturbed next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell again, full of vour normal pep. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply FEEN-A-Mil3TTor When armored knights met, it ' was customary for each knight to raise the visor of his helmet as a means of identification. This gesture ges-ture has come down through all armies in the form of the salute. Traditional, too, is the Army man's preference for Camel Cigarettes. Ciga-rettes. In the Army, Navy, Marines, Ma-rines, and Coast Guard, actual sales records in their Service Stores show Camel is the favorite. Favorite gift with service men Is also Camels by the carton. Local tobacco dealers are featuring Camel cartons to send to men in the armed forces anywhere. Adv. To Relieve MONTHLY N pm Piii If you suffer monthly cramps, back-' back-' ache, nervousness, distress of "irreirularltles" due to functional monthly disturbance try Lydia E. Hinkham's Vc-fxUvble Compound at oncet Plnkham's Compound Is one rw-diclne you can buy today made especially for women. Taken rfpulri rly thru out the a month Plnkham's Compound helps buHd up resistance arainst such Fvmploms, Follow label directions. direc-tions. Worth trying! (nfPIA E. PINKHAM'S 0 |