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Show HOW DO IjQiL USE YOUR ! pl Fluid ! I -- B Cream j ' ' LJ 059qts.rr.ilk) ' 1 t':- fT 16.6 lbs. I QX Butter I I A p5) (l57qts.milk) Hi 57 lbs Cheese f U...;. j (26qts.rn.lk) lO.Scts. Ice Cream f .-.I aaP (I9qts.milk) ' H Concentrated Milks j LQ (29gts.milk) Source of data - U. S. D. A MILK QUOTA? I An Average Person Consumes the Equivalent of 390 Quarts of Milk Each Year 1 More milk is consumed hi fluid form in the United States than in any other way. As milk and cream, the average person consumes the equivalent of 159 quarts of milk a year. Milk is the nation's No. 1 protective food. "To achieve optimum opti-mum health, consumption should be greatly increased," states Mrs. Ethel Austin Martin, Director of Nutrition for the National Dairy Council. The minimum recommendation recommen-dation of one pint of milk for each adult and one quart of milk for each child calls for an average per capita consumption of about 270 quarts of milk in fluid form. Butter is the best natural food source of vitamin A. It also contains con-tains certain other growth factors not found in most fats. The average person in the United Strftes consumes con-sumes 16.6 pounds of butter a year which is much less than is desirable for optimum health. To make this amount of butter, 157 quarts of milk are required. Because cheese contains nearly all the ingredients of milk, it is considered con-sidered one of the most important of the protective foods. From the standpoint of both economy and food value, it deserves a much more Important Im-portant place in the American diet. The 5.7 pounds of cheese which the average American consumes in a year requires 26 quarts of milk in its manufacture. Ice cream is rapidly coming to be appreciated for its palatability, food value and economy. Consumption of ice cream is more than double that of eight years ago and is increasing in-creasing rapidly. Nineteen quarts of milk are needed to make the 10.8 quarts of ice cream that the average aver-age person consumes in a year. In addition to the above well-known well-known products, 29 quarts of milk go into the manufacture of concen- -trated and dry milk products. b L-- , E Looking: for the Killer Approved by U. S. Navy Even as the victim, background, slides to the bottom of the ocean off the east coast of the United States a coast trnard patrol vessel circles about looking for the killer. The victim is a freighter torpedoed by an Axis submarine. The coast guard boat is one of the Snb-Bnsters which is fighting this battle of the Atlantic. Depth charges racked in the stern of the coast guard vessel are ready to be lannchd into the sea to end the eareer of the Axis raider. The sinkings of vessels lost in American waters since December 7 total 188. |