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Show FARM LABOR HEAD LISTS RULES FOR HIRING JAPANESE WORKERS organized. 2. Start by explaining high v points about the job tell him how and why. 3. Demonstrate how the work should be done. 4. Have him do the job and explain ex-plain it back to you. 5. Correct mistakes put him on his own; tell him he is responsible. res-ponsible. 6. If possible, work inexperienced inexper-ienced help in small crews. Put an older, seasoned hand with each group. If properly trained and supervised, inexperienced workers will "deliver the goods." 7. Have a definite understanding understand-ing as to wages, hours and time off. 8. Be fair, be definite. A little praise for work well done will go a leng way. Encourage all who try. Fundamental regulations to assure as-sure the best utilization of workers through the Cache county coun-ty farm labor committee and the mobile farm labor camp, were j reviewed today by A. W. Chambers Cham-bers of Smithfield, chairman of the county farm labor committee. Mr. Chambers pointed out that farmers are beginning beet thinning thinn-ing operations and will follow up immediately with harvest of first crop alfalfa and peas. It is expected ex-pected that every farmer in the county will need some additional labor, which can be supplied by contacting the county farm labor committee at the agricultural agent's office. He said it is not necessary to sign labor contracts for workers for sugar beets, peas, or tomatoes, toma-toes, since the processing companies compan-ies already have made these arrangements. ar-rangements. However, to obtain workers for other crops, the farmer must sign a contract with the committee. When workers are needed, the request should be made at the county agent's office in Logan or at the farm labor in Amalga, by noon on the day before the workers work-ers are to start. To release the laborers the offices should be notified by 10 a. m. on the last day of their employment. If a farmer far-mer fails to cancel his order, they will be charged for the next day although the workers are not used, Mr. Chambers warned. The farmer will have to furnish transportation to and from the camp for Japanese workers; time slips must be filled out and left at the camp each day; all com-1 plaints concerning Japanese labor must be reported immediately to Bennie J. Ravsten, county farm supervisor at the agent's office. Farmers must make prompt payment to the farm labor com-' mittee on each payroll date for labor used during the previous two-week period, and failure to ; comply with the regulations and l the prevailing wage scale, will! cause the farmers to lose then-right then-right to employ Japanese workers. Mr. Chambers emphasized that requests for labor will be given preference only in the order received. re-ceived. Discussing the employment of school youths, the county labor i head outlined a series of sugges-1 tiens for obtaining the best results j from these young victory workers. 1. Call the county extension office of-fice at least a day in advance of your needs so that ample time can be had . to get the workers |