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Show About Town lil.'TTEK Atll.lv For sale now, at Woodruff Dairy. iav. if Mrs. Phoebe Moses White o Salt Lake City visited with relatives .'.us veek. Mr. Ira Hil.'yard underwent an ope.'-ation for appendicitis at the iiud-a hospital on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Richards and family of Los Angeles, California, Cali-fornia, are spending a t'.vo weeks vacation with relatives. Mrs. Jack Allsop of Los Angers, Ange-rs, California, is visiting with her I.arer.ts, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Nelson. Nel-son. Mrs. Clenn It. Winn and two children returned from .Mesa, Arizona Ar-izona Wednesday evening, where she has been visiting with her parents for ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Onley of l'iltsburg, California, are visiting visit-ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Onley for ten days. Mrs. II. W. fern and son Harry, Har-ry, left Thursday afiernoon for Goodnig. Idaho, to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Larger! Lar-ger! over the week end. Mrs. Heber Whiting has return Mr. and Miv V,' S. OU'm of Sal1. Lake City were t.'ij gih-sts of Mr. ;iiaj ?.ir. W. A. Xobie on Sunday. ..!.-. Leo 01s;-n of Midvale is 'i. itlcg Lit tin; home of h'-r hi;-I.'T, hi;-I.'T, Mrs. Sam Tom and lai.iily. Mr. anil Mrs. Oor-'o Cooper uprut the we.-!-: end visiling with relahvcs at Lava Hot Springs, Ida. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fulkerson and daughter Carol of Provo. spent thi' week end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Mooseman are spending the week at Salt Lake City on business. Mrs .1. P. Green and Mrs. E. G. Kmi;- ford of Salt. Lake City spent the week end with relatives. ed home from a Logan hospital where she has been receiving mcdiciul attention for the past week. HARLEY'S Meets advertised competition una dcwrvin your ptroiujre. A1. Do you know how to make your visitors happy? Maybe you think so, but what do your weekend week-end guests say about you when they get back to town on Monday Mon-day morning? If yo want to find out how you rate as a host, answer this novel questionnaire by Judith T. Chase, well-known quiz expert, in The American Weekly, the magazine distributed distribu-ted with next week's LOS ANGELES AN-GELES EXAMINER. Ad Merlin (Moon) Pitcher of Cali-firnia Cali-firnia is visiting at Smithfield ivi'h friends and relatives. Mrs. Helen Sorensen, and daughter daugh-ter have returned back to Smith-field. Smith-field. Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Jarvis attended at-tended the denial convention at Salt Lake City on Friday. Mrs. Ben Price of Los Angeles, California, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mary Plowman for an indefinite time. Mrs. Henry O. Hansen entertained enter-tained six ladies at her home Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon after-noon was spent in sewing. Luncheon Lunch-eon was served by tile hostess. 1 George. G. Nelson, Wholesale Coal Dealer, Bear River Mutual, Fire and AntomoDlte Insurance Nottary Public, Thoiie 181 Residence 143. A dv 1 1 He kicks the "Spooks" out of haunted houses. Edward Saint, special investigator, and member of Physic Research and Magicians societies, tells about his adventures adven-tures as a Ghost-Breaker. Don't miss his revelations of the weird, strange case of the "Caressing Spirit," the "Pullman Car Ectoplasm," Ecto-plasm," and other expensive nuisances nui-sances that . have wilted under his special treatment in a profusely pro-fusely illustrated page ' in the American Weekly, the magazine distributed with next week's LOS ANGELES EXAMINER Adv. |