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Show NEW IDEAS By Ruth Wyeth Spears JMJ lf CUSH'ON ' R3!NG P BASTE ssji foot y IN W AJZS PLACE SEAM -CUTTtrSG t-- vVCORD AWAY STRAIGHT STRIP CUP -AT JOINING UAVE you considered covering your out-of-door cushions with water-resistant artificial leather? It may be cut and sewn the same as any heavy fabric. The colors are all so fresh and gay that you will be inspired to try striking combinations. Use a coarse machine needle; a No. 5 hand needle; No. 20 or 24 sewing thread and regulate the machine to about 12 stitches to the inch. The cushions shown here are green with seam cords covered in red. The sketch shows how they are made. The cotton seam cord should be about -inch"in diameter. diam-eter. It is covered with a straight strip 1 inches wide stitched, with the machine cording foot to allow the sewing to come up close to the cord. The raw edges of the cord covering are basted around the top and bottom of the cover on the right side, as shown, and are then stitched in with the seam. If you like variety in your cushions, cush-ions, there is an idea for sturdy ones made of burlap and silk stockings on page 23 of SEWING, Book 5. NOTE: Book 7, in the series of Home-makers' Home-makers' Booklets by Mrs. Spears, is th latest and contains directions for mora than thirty things which you will want for your own home or for gifts. Included are working drawings for reconditioning old chairs and other furniture; directions for a spool whatnot; an unusual braided rag rug; and many things to make with needle and thread. The seven booklets now available contain a total of more than two hundred of Mrs. Spears' NEW IDEAS for Homemakers. Booklets are 10 cents each. Send your order to; MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS Drawer 10 Bedford Hills New York Enclose 10 cents for each book ordered. Name Address SALT LAKE HOTELS Nice quiet rooms at SI. 50 Well Furnished, ekise to ererythin;. Coffee Shop. Garage. NEW GRAND HOTEL. 4th South and Main. HOTELS When hi RENO. NEVADA stop at the HOTEL GOLDEN Reno's largest and most popular hotel. WHEN IN SALT LAKE Ths best food in Salt Lake is served by The MAYFLOWER CAFE t 1M Sooth Main POPULAR PRICED Luncheons. Dinners and Sandwiches Diamonds, Jewelry Wanted F. C. DAHNKEN, Diamond Broker SIS Continental Bank Bids. Salt Lake FREE CROP REPORT Alfslfa and Clover Seed Growers write for our new comprehensive and carefully compiled Crop Report and Forecast of Price trends All Free. OCCIDENTAL SEED COMPANY TRUSSES FITTED Belts, Elastic Stockings, Crutches and Braces, Extension Shoes. Arch Supports, etc. Fit-Well Arli8cJsJJmjiCj13 .JEWELRY MANUFACTURING MERCHANTS, we manufacture pins, medals, souvenirs Jewelry Repairing and Trophies, rsrrj & Parry. Jewelers, 248 Main; Salt Lake Well, here it is an- lying around, but if other weekend and I'm you could get the not a General yet. family interested and But give me time. some of the neighbors, neigh-bors, and if that The nearest village happened all over the is 5 miles away. All country, the U. S. 0. you find there is a could raise $10,765,- general store, a ga- 000 overnight, rage and a canning factory nowhere to' I'd appreciate it go for any good clean a lot, Mom, and so fun, unless you drop would every other in at a smoke-filled mother's son in the juke joint on the way. U. S. Army and Navy. Well, Mom, there's Love, a big favor you can Eill do me. The U. S. 0. is trying to raise . . $10,765,000 tO run They re doing tlr Ut for yoWM i il ' c,jj- youdoyour bit for tliem? Send your clubs for us, outside. lonJution J,yourheal v.s.o. Of Camp. Places With Committee or to U.S.O. National lounge rooms , dance Headquarters, Empire State Build- flOOrS, games. Writ- ing. New York, N. Y. ing rooms. Places you . . . Can get a bite tO These organizations have joined eat without paying a forcestoformthcU.s.o.:tiieY.M.CA.. king's ransom. National Catholic Community Service, Salvation Army, Y. W.CA., Jewish I knOW yOU don 1 1 Welfare Board, National Traveler! have an idle million Aid Association. OPEN YOUR HEART F R ( OPEN YOUR PURSE ;1 K I ; GIVE TO THE W ) kU 1 , PIANO BARGAIN Chickering, Autopiano, Kimball, Story & Clark, Crown and many other makes, 149.50 and up. Write us for more details. HOME SERVICE COMPANY MJIrdJ!o SaXtLalteCity BABY CHICKS ""er Hatched Blood Tested Chicks F Leghorns $6.50 A A $7.45 AAA-f AAA-f i $8.25; Heavies $7.15 AA $7.86 AAA $8.25. All prepaid. For Sexed AA Chicks write COLORADO HATCHERY Denver, Colorado OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED desks and chairs, tiles, typewriters, adding mch's, safes, bk-cascs. Jheep and Stock RANCHES NEAR EVANSTON, WYO. F0R SALE BY OWNER. Good sheep or cattle fenced range land. Present set-up ' lor 2400 sheep, including deeded land, grazing leases and privileges ; also winter j range with or jjithout shoop. For fur- I wer particulara -write P. O. Box 606, Evanston, Wyo. j LISTEN TO . . BAUKHAGE The Nat'l Farm & Home Hour J 10:30 each morning, I Monday through Friday KUTA, Salt Lake at 570 KC ! KIDO, Boise j at 1380 KC I - and J sther NBC Blue Network Stations i THE ADVERTISER INVITES YOUR r rWl DiRlnM e advertiser aEEUres us tiat his goodj I ' lElO wll are good. He invites us to compare them I ! vrith others. We do. Should ha relax for a minute and let his standards drop, , ; i we discern it. We tell others. We cease buying his product Therefore he) keeps up the high standard of bis wares, and the prices as low as possible. Li 1 |