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Show Mrs. Carl Clawson and Mrs P ry Watts. ' ... aed 1 : C:r ; ,;:-- ill: mII.K F jt ule now, at Friday afternoon at, her home. 1 o rroerum was given by Mrs.! Lei-raine S::. Uruve. Mrs. Lanunt: t ..;:.r a w.v Of the : i. : The I.o.'r. Fca.hcr," by Tola r'l.lior. H club members ?re ! '..sent. A ray hmeheotr w as .-.! ,. d l,y ike hostess. Th Jv.:ih)V Literary elub held! ti eir reeu'.er meelin;..' Wednesday :.!...rnoon a. s home of Mvs.l T.idon Lamb. 5-rs. Keber Whiting . lV a review e,f the book "East! Wind. West W-ind" by Pearl S. j reek. Sneei' I r.ue.-ts were Mrs. i Ed. Nobie, Mrs. Albert SIcCtmn aad Mrs. L. W. MeCann. Lunch-con Lunch-con ' was served by the hostess. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin j G Derriek, of San Franeiseo. Miss Leah Hale of Los Angeles j and Alton l'eterson of Bunker-vile. Bunker-vile. Nevada. They reported a very r.iee trip. Mrs. Norma Toolset and family ee-e visttins at the home of Mr. anaMrs. John P. Toolson. Mr. and "Irs. Dan Perkins have moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Reese recently. Mrs. Orvil Heaps entertained a few lady friends at an afternoon serial. Thursday, at her home. Those, intituled were: Mrs. Arnold Ar-nold Nelson. Mrs. Clinton Low, A 1 , ! Adoul : I own v. i : . : . ' . ' -1 . i l . - Mn. j ........ i f : . . i : .y o;,.-n a '.; ; , ; i . .-. . i: a'. O.Ieu .-li r. 1. . (livli l tVi .--I ,a' 1 (" if i Uoi-m-. l:il--!l I...W.-1-. I'Jonie!)! Sni i : li 1 1, ..W. 1,'. Mr. and Mr-. Auriiia Hash and family are ii;ine with frit-nds aad r-nil'vti ill Saiili.:':' id. C'.k'T. K:.:. a:s of H: i :'. e F'Tt,. Mi.- It"-:t'a T.: 'C; en srerr. two ,k in Li:, ho visit::-:: wi.h rI- : r.d f.i-'iily at Lk"ir!a. and witii her mutker a. Arimo. Ieialio, r.frs. Artiadla Baker CI wet. who' recently r'.turned frern France, ;; :ve a talk a: the Smi:ific!d s.ake Sunday school union meeting Wednesday e,ening. j Mr. at. A Mrs. Andrew Alvis and ! sen who have spent the past three j years in New York, arc visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M-ilo Cantwell. Airs. Alvis was formerly former-ly Miss Berniece Cantwell. Mrs. Keith Hillyard and daughters daugh-ters were the guesets of Mrs. Hillyard'sparents. .Mr. and Mrs. ' C. A. Brown at Trenton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tidwell of Logan, entertained at Thanks-' Thanks-' giving dinner, the invited guests being Fred Hillyard. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tidwell, Mrs. Jane M. Tidwell, Mrs. Roy E. Tidwell ' and sons Blaine and Bobby, Mrs. I W. W. Roskelley of Logan. ?.!.-. .,...1 Mr . i.;..i:it Ili.jgKi on mo. !:. into tiair liw hume on' Mi .u v. .Mr . ril.'n M"i.' ii,:-.-. and daugh-1 tor Vi ipi.i, r !' i.rr.in. Vire in-s.s-of .,;r. and Mrs. Lronard Mites Sunday. . I l.'SK V'OOi)KLI'F, Whlppini? Cream. Aav. u. I I i- ; ::; i.e.- E. S. Army at Fort. ;: : i v. i :.- ti;. ; wi-U !.i , Mr. aad Mrs. Jora V,' i. j for lv. 'j v.' 1 i:s. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miles, of Era in, : a a.t Thu. :day at ti.e ,.i::e of hi- I'a.ellt-, Mr. and Mr, E-oa.r j Mr. and Mrs. K-'-r.irtt Jarvis of S ilt Lake City, spent Thursday , ai, tin; home of Dr. and Mrs. T. V. Jarvis. j B : hup Sylvester Low left' Tur-May for Salt Lake City,1 v. acre he will snend three weeks vi. itiia; with realives. Mr. ami Mrs. Lorenzo Anderson !'! r ;en'!y far Les Aneles, Cali- j farnia where they will spend the winter. H(H; for service. Miles R. Nilsoii Phone 104-W Smitlifield. adv. 28 Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. B-issh-l off and son Kenneth are visiting at Geneva, Idaho, with Mr. Bissh-off's Bissh-off's relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Roskelley j and family of McCammon, Idaho visited at the home of Mrs. Agnes Roskelley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCanni of Salt Lake City spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Al-bert McCann. Mrs. Don Wixom and children 'of Murray are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Roy E. Tidwell and other relatives. Sacrament Services of the Secant! Se-cant! ward will be under the cii-recticm cii-recticm of the Genealogical de-par. de-par. ment. Mrs. Dean E. Bisshoff, recently returned from the Same Sa-me :n and Hawaiian mission, will be- the speaker. Also a good musical musi-cal program. Everybody is invited. in-vited. Mrs. Keith Meikle was hostess to the members of her bridge club Wednesday evening at her home. Special guests, besides the club members were Mrs. Eldon Lamb, Mrs Jack Meikle, Mrs. Noble Chambers, Mrs. Scth Chambers and Mrs. Ruth Gregory. High score prize was won by Mrs. Seth Chambers, high cut prize by Mrs. Orlin Hansen, and guest prize by Mrs. Eldon Lamb. Luncheon was served By the hostessto twenty ladies. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Weeks and daughter Carol returned from a two weeks trip to California where they went to meet their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jean E. Bisschoff, who served a two year's mission in the Samoan and Hawaiian missions. Mr. and Mrs. Bisschoff and then-small then-small son Kenneth, returned home with them. On their trip they O burn Low of Afton, Wyom-in, Wyom-in, is vi iting with relatives this work. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Heaps entertained en-tertained at a Thanksgiving dinner. din-ner. Those present were Mr. and ' s. George Heaps. Mr. and Mrs. -j-ice Heaps,, Mrs. Sarah Bennett, Ben-nett, Mrs. Ro'e Hill, the host and hostess and family. WHY PEOPLE who hate are unhealthy. un-healthy. A prominent New York City Psychiatrist explains why it is impossible to be normal while carrying around a load of ill-will for your fellow citizens. citi-zens. Read this interesting article ar-ticle in The American Weekly, the magazine distributed with t next week's LOS ANGELES EXAMINER. Advt. FOlt Flour, Feeds, Coal, Grain Chopping, and Grain Steam Rolling Roll-ing call at the FARM Kits EXCHANGE MARKET Parley Winn, Manager South Main, Phone 87-J Smithfield, adv. tf The Book-Luree club met at the home of Mrs. Wilda Plowman on ueorge &. Nelson, Wholesale Coal Dealer, Bear River Mutual, Fire ana AutomoDlie Insurance Nottary Public, Phone 181 Residence 143. A dv ttl Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rich, of Franklin, Idaho, entertained Saturday Sat-urday evening at a dinner party, to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Plowman, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Littledyke, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hillyard, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snelgrove, Mr. and Mrs. Rulan Plowman. Mrs. Laura C. Peterson is visiting vis-iting in San Francisco, Calif, with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin G. Derrick. The Litera-Lure club held their regular meeting Thursday j afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jerald Plowman. Mrs. Leonard Olsen gave a review of the bookj "The Keys of the Kingdom" by A. J. Crowen. Twelve club mem-' bers were present- Special guests! were Mrs. Glen Fisher, Mrs. Roy Hillyard and Mrs. Lester Traveller. Travel-ler. Refreshments were served by the hostess. TWO MAYORS cheaper than one and the town's troubles vanish. van-ish. When opposing candidates came out even in the election, both took office without pay and kept right on Mayoring when their term was up to save election expenses. Read of this simple way of curing municipal headaches, a; told in The American Weekly, the magazine distributed with next week's LOS ANGELES EX-A.MINER. EX-A.MINER. Advt |