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Show AAA Expert Says There is No rood Shortage Consumers should not draw from the encouragement farmers are receiving to produce more of certain commodities for the Food for Freedom program that there is a .shortage of these commodities, commodi-ties, Fred Entermille of Washing-ten, Washing-ten, D. C, assistant to the director direc-tor of the Western Dvision, AAA, pointed out here this week. Mr. Entermille stopped over in Logan to confer with Utah USDA Defense Board members and AAA officials on the "Food for Freedom" Free-dom" program. He left Monday night for Denver where he will attend the national crop insurance insur-ance conference to be held there Tuesday through Friday. In commenting on the food-for-defense program, he said that there Is plenty of all the vital foods and that farm program, leaders are still backing up the objective of the program to produce pro-duce adequate supplies -of food and fiber at fair prices. He urged housewives against any hysterical buying of vital foods in the fear that shortages wo;.ld come. "We are trying to avoid the mistakes made in World War I by producing ahead of time the food we need," he added. "The production goals call for increases in 1942, a year from now. While I would not want to discourage the usual thrifty practice prac-tice of storing a reasonable amount of food if that has been the practice in the past, I see no reason to become alarmed at this time. Usually hysterical buying makes a goat of the consumer and plays into the hands of distributors dis-tributors by making possible exorbitant ex-orbitant prices. "While we have pledged enough food for 10 million Britons during dur-ing the next year, we are not forgetting for-getting out own people. Production Produc-tion goals as they have been set up provide the food we have pledged to Great Britain, plenty for our own needs, and enough for stockpiles of food just in case peace comes next year," he assured defense board officials. The report from counties of Utah that only about -a third of the farmers in the state have signed pledges to support the food-for-defense program disturb- ed him and he urged that any farmer who has not been contacted con-tacted in the farm-to-farm canvass can-vass should take the responsibility upon himself to visit the county AAA office and sign the pledge. "If we are to obtain the cooperation co-operation needed in the food program pro-gram to protect democracy," hp commented, "we must know what is being done and what we can expect to do in the production of food just as we seed to know how many airplanes or ships we are building and can build, and because the farm Is small or the production seems Insignificant is no raeson for not cooperating in the program. It will require the united efforts of all farmers and no farmer should feel that he has no responsibility." |