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Show J Ruth Wyeth spears There's a Good Reason You're Constipated ! Whr-n there's something wrong with you, the flr:,t rule Is: get at the cause.. It you are constipated, don't endure it first and "cure" It afterward. Find out what's giving you the trouble. Chances are it's simple if you eat the super-reluied foods most people do: meat, white bread, potatoes. It's likely you don't get ercou!Voulc."And"buik"doesn't mean a lot of food. It's a kind of food that Isn't consumed in the body, but leaves a sott "bulky" mass In the intestines and helps a bowel movement. If this Is your trouble, you should eat a natural "bulk" producing pro-ducing food such a one as the crunchy, toasted, ready-to-eat cereal, Kellogg's All-Bran. Eat It otcn, drink plenty of water, and "Join the Regulars." All-Bran Is made by Kellogg's in BattleCreek. If your condition Is chronic, it Is ywise to consult a physician. J I S Wi : I 1L CL0TH 'TACK H S - fey CHECKED SK!RT To s8 syyi fs,des'wh,te prill Sffi krlgjgy EDGES COVER FOR TOP rP KILL ALL FLIES rTrr M KHIlt attnictd nna may flics, fl ''.''J.'.'"'il Guaranteed, efTictlvo. Nejit, I ( O ,0 I c"lVfiilL-ut Cnurtot spill I OK Lasts oil crason. 2uo at all 9 Lly dfftlers. llarold Bomera, Inc., I " lsoueKalbAvo.41'Uyn.N.Y. I TN THIS column we have shown how to make useful, attractive things out of everything most from spools to tin cans, but several sev-eral readers have reminded me lately that I have neglected orange or-ange crates. Here is a pair of tables to match a smart new bedspread. bed-spread. The spread is made of green and white checked gingham 1 trimmed in bands, monogram and frills of white muslin. The bed is an Qld iron one that has been cut down and then padded and covered with the gingham (de-tailed (de-tailed directions are in Book 3) The orange crates for the tables are lined with green oil cloth and each wears a green and white checked skirt; and a top cover frilled in white. The lamps are white and the shades are old n,., that will save you many a 5 ; dollar will escape you if 5 ; ; you fail to read carefully and regularly the advertising of j; local merchants 5 iw thisp a p eh Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. 82 Eighth Ave. New York Enclose 15 cents In coins for Pattern Pat-tern No Name Address wnne and the shades are old ones covered with a plain ruffle of white held in around the top with a band and a bow of green cut from the check material. NOTE: Directions for making lamp shades and bedspread are in Book No. 1; complete alphabet for monograms in Book 2; streamlining streamlin-ing old style bed in Book 3; and Book 4 contains 32 pages of original origi-nal homemaking ideas. Books are 10 cents each. With each order for four books will be sent FREE a set of three Early American Quilt Block patterns. INDIGESTION may ailcct the Heart uas trnppl in the Htomaeh or pullet raav art like a luur-tnKBor on the heart. At theS w dLSSJ but mode of tho Justest- K ts n S"7 kn?."'1' for "cil1 indigestion. If the fllvSl DOSE doesn't prove Be -ana better return bottle to m and receive DOUBLE Money Back! S MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS Bedford Hills New York Drawer 10 Enclose 10 cents for one book, or 40 cents for books 1. 2, 3 and 4 and set of quilt block patterns. Name Address I Many Insects I ON FLOWERS FRUITS ! 05l VEGETABLES & SHRUBS j jkj Demand original sealed Bad. Associates Debts and lies are generally mixed together. Rabelais. Salt Lake's NEWEST HOTEL x j . " 4 " ! ' - 1 ' in " BaRsay.g Hotel TEMPLE SQUARE ' Opposite Mormon Temple HIGHLY RECOMMEXDE0 Rates $1.50 to $3.00 Its a mark of distinction to stop at this beautiful hostelry ERNEST a ROSS1TER, Mgr. r'"iiuui. n,ji.i.iuji.t..w.,iiii:,,,lll.i1 ,. ,,. -L t J j i y. 1 1 g Mw" 'u JJlv-' irftaai ' - ' . : i i .1 , i wrg See how you're helped , ' "Y delicious oranges! Hrdi tesaM 1 son. mit radiant lood'hT M C"W SCtS cno"Sh vitamins and minerals 10 pet-eat pet-eat them for hlhfu f ,e"iOV r,"WS '""y-'Vj peel nd or.nsa.de. "f'hn.rnt. Or keep ready bi pitcher of fresh j nomallynccd cad, t (tC,h.onn .ives you .,11 .he ,, C r- H vilami,, A and r 7" onc-,hi f the It also s..ppli U- Sul. . C' tl,C '-, tHlM,S and ir,. ) ounkist bnnps you tl ' t ' oranKcs Buv sm- . . 1 California's lincst-cver crop of summer wi1 "y mc today. c,,)ri(ll, ,,,(:,. Fmil i:', (;h. fre Vl uj r J I-'1 :,:-w'J i mci WHEN YOU WANT WM THAT NEXT JOB OF 1 PlIlTiriS Let Us Show You 1 What We Can Do 111 If you prefer, send the order by mail or bring llltill it to the office in person. |