Show MAN FROZE TO DEATH rhe body of a min m rn in was as found today toda lying in the brush about a mile this side of the carbon utah county line and a short distance from front the die state highway by a aftic i herder ho was riding over the hills sheriff 1 1 kefter was nas noti notified ried and he brouet the body to price E every cry indication points to the bet fact that lie the nun nian wis 13 frozen to 0 death during the winter for the body was badly decomposed the man wore high rubber boot boots with yah 0 crafts tucked inside a i heavy shirt and warm underclothing he had four fourfold gold teeth he lie as apparently an american about 40 ear ears of age and anti is s judged to flave tuve been used to a comfortable life A copy of the salt lake I 1 of oct 27 was lying beside him no mens of i identification have so far been discovered |