Show MORE CLOTHING 10 IS URGENT NEED with millions of pounds of 0 om old clothing thine gathered for the op ople of the war at countries it hiis ba been found that there is still need for more the amount sent do doa Ps not nearly supply the demand people of northern fante and belgium have no means of securing clothing mi for their thel factories uie al e out of commis bion tilon and nd ahey they have no raw material yet even if had noney to buy thousands of if I 1 atle children ar going about in gunny old rugs and anything ther cin piel up to i their boales ane is urgent aad any sort of clothing thit has y war w ir lt in it is acceptable mesdames Ales dames 0 if 11 stevenson Sf evenson 78 gearge nixon D D levels and nd george wootton hive b ive the drive in charge here and wilt will be at the library every ilay day until next tuesday anyone who cannot send their contribution is aided to phone mrs nixon that the clothing may bo be called for those tho 3 e who wh 0 have cleaned cleaved house sinca the lait lat la it drive and have gathered moie mote articles arti clea will be doing a good deed by sending them to the librae aay any day until next tuesday |