Show n UT Y U AIND YOUR FRIEND mra mrs D it griffiths of if aper shopping in price tuesday Tue sJay was was miss lea san sanford ford Is 9 visit ne this week in helper r quist of mr and mrs olen glen 1101 incer W 88 u I 1 bertrand of the ninety 1 11 first division returned to price tupi day from I 1 J f SA L mrs J NJ left tuesday evening for ivinia winal id kas ras for a months visit with her and friends WAS 0 o 0 W waa ah george Colling collingham liam and famil and postmaster master J C twiddle were over oer from hunny side last list evening in the nt cullingham collingham hudon W 88 H 8 j J 13 Eles setto and aughter of returned rd d monday from salt lake where the young lady had been taking eye treatment w mr and mrs mr haiti ol 01 C batio atie a tie gain w w re trading in price toda WAS 9 1 L A 1 I L gen wa was lb th isen n royal iirth at t tho convention of arli ar li amse marohl As in oden ogden this wet weik 1 W SS mr mrs alien alle sa sae e left for a visit in anver t 4 it slite alto ti atit st ole ie Is soon to change hr tier name mr mrs it IV aroi lutt went to bu lake like lat lart cenan to attend tim orand C chapter a pter if of tite t rii star W SS 85 W Ss mr mrs antonu antono 11 liden and her tier another mrs lorfn of mt it plessant Pica sait are 1 1 ot it mr irs 11 nil ll milen n W A 0 1 uthell returned turned rf esterday et erday frint r 1111 suit salt uke luo hu ito kit to see louto who wa was imbt in an auto reel acci lent he by l ely authell lut liell brought bael tit for ire 1 red larther mrs U 1 F P Chimber lAin went to silt lake wednesday morning for a few nw days visit hei patents NJ mr r ind nd mrs ca martin mulvey will return n w with ith her 1 1 w 88 frank grosso has purchased the residence of W I 1 an Ar derbon and will mav monje e hl hh family into it mr ur anderson will build as soon as he en ets a desirable lot v 93 s A birge variety of D NJ C pack age goods good crochet thread and embroidery iceon at clito IE liti millinery Milli Mil linely nety cocup iny was w 3 8 thomas brooks ks fletcher will be worth the price of the whole ahl e season lyceum ticket it the high school saturday night 8 30 W we ss if you miss haaring fletcher at the high school saturday Satu rilay night you mis the befit best number that has abeen been in price in many years ass v s 9 L E Whit morein ini mark mirk howard anil thir th ir fim fliEs drove drose to zion ion katurd bitu rdv ay iy in abo whitmore car rc u cuming bunday bringing down the ho ilo lar also I 1 w ss 85 john will be eady to open hai hi now howlin howlins alloys tonight they abc in excellent he ile makes ar ament elsbert els where bere in this issue ass where fletcher ha has lectured he wa was asked to a second and third time hear him saturday night at the high school in the lyceum course w ss 88 prof and mr mrs R C I 1 oien oi enlen tien of u ewell entertained tho t batik dolinsky wilily wic diening cn tn thi ack ark efto r b k th ahr li avina of mr 4 I 1 oren arentsen tsen fr f r prove provo where h hi r ahu band nd will join her tier buon school I 1 k hut but thy they nill not return next ear eur I 1 ws aret trumbull teacher of piano of sait b tit I 1 1 I 1 a e city lias 1141 1 ill it arke she he ha haq ben been b en a it of F j I 1 nitina lu lit iwi into and anti III kro 1 ak lat at biar ar stio h wa aa a rin in aliu I 1 th tah con of icik sit 81 N ro orning at the horge nixon homo home but give ivas latr leon I afons at the lore I 1 adsett boin W 88 the follies bafo is 13 to have a new electric I 1 aino with violin attachment net next wet it will be ono one of the finest the follies i 1 doing i t splendid business bui liess iness under the present pre ent 8 s lou ou wont sleep during the lecture of rhomas brooks dietche r saturday night at the high school ind you will ill be glad iou ou went tnt it will put a ne new of pep in ou w SS i SIc Millan ha mu hold his lota lot a block north or the grilj trade school to 0 ff fied ed woods ir and fred at once transferred half of it to harold leonard Leona nl both of the voys will build at once the lot is one hundred bi b two hundred feet 4 w adalph hellmann was overjoyed this morning t to receive a cablegram from his sitter sister in lieber russia stating that they were all well he hag has three enters there and it is the first hi hl had heard from them in m four y ye e irs frank is 13 another one of the local boys who arrived home this week from hn little trip overseas to hand a cesire to fritz prink frink ays says L that the best thine thing he raw in europe was the news advocatt which him regularly asa W sa flelcher fletcher will ill make you think bird h ird but you will ill lauh laugh thinks hear him saturday night at it the high school one of the beat orators of lie the day and one things worth while part ot of regular lucum ourse lourse i asp your beason ticket W 8 4 thomas brooks fletcher is a master in the use of langue language whether it be biting sarta sarcasm sm i ng condemnation tender plead ina or stron strong exhortation he ile r waken his he lie to a sense of inbi stice and a desire to right wrongs lie is a straight from the shoulder fighter what he lie says at the high school saturday night will be more than thin worth hearing it wll v 4 11 do price good |