Show yf WWW 0 i S here s your chance N 4 v j 5 a flour from the home j mill none better made help enlar enlarge tle home in austry Y duvo flour at the mill 4 11 j 5 50 per cwt cat 0 S pounds or more S 5 25 5 per ct cm 0 I 1 1 laran in bulk 0 sacked chick feed sa 2 50 0 chopping per cn cat cwt t 4 Cl cleaning eining 10 per Z 4 I 1 bu 0 0 farmers mill i 1 S S elevator go co 0 5 PRICE UTAH 0 0 0 0 RE TREADING saves many months in the life of a tire wu ore experts in tint vur pitr all kinds of vulcanizing vulcan ising and repair work wor k on an I 1 s done by specialists 11 P F gray an expert from iron salt lake like has been added to our farce come in and see our work I 1 all kinds of acca morlee and supplies on hand tires a and nd tabes tubes for or sale 1 price rubber works W WD D richards J R golding Goldin ff pwe price utah specialist HUGHES will beat savo hot 0 of rny eer month ilcin ed e by li st satte ae aloir Is of Opton try utah halo ant ain 1 wyoming hie klie 1 A chysh I 1 lan n a pearlt pe allt t Peitra lu rp re re beil limed floville offic an I 1 I 1 0 ir jr judge salt I 1 ake 17 good elou enough h plows are plowing 1130 this season eason the fact ahr tatt more thin than G ging 2119 and sulky plow plows are e working this uon is 11 prof that the GOOD mutt must she gise the greatest degree of satisfaction the number 2 texas good enough plow w tat demised le ned and bult built to meet the special requirement requirements of the fields of fexas and alfr t ern rn state states it is tingle in aisy to operate trong strong and hat has a light dratt the M 1 I the sheep a ard ad d the it ottom are all and tl a e construction Is I 1 tuch such that thi this plow it under 1111 tIve control at all times n mes FARMERS EXCHANGE AHO AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY thone phone 1 h ewla f h dvar WA IS SEE BALANCE GROH the man who has never had a bank account has one great pleasure in life yet left lett to him STARTING one banking money and seeing the balance GROW bigger and bigger month by month is a continuous joy As his bank balance GROWS a man takes more interest in his work or his business and earns more and gains self respect and the confidence of his firm and 14 of himself 1 make OUR bank YOUR bank we lve pit pay 4 icv ile r ce cent nit interest on tim first national at ional bank of price 4 A TELEPHONE IS A NECESSITY TY if you are to get the most money out of your farm you reed a telephone to keep you in ir con stant touch with the nark ets ard aid enable you to sell sel I 1 where ard when the tb prices are best S besides the telephone puts PULS everyone sound sourd of your voice it gets tle be doctor for you quickly gives orders to te the storekeeper store keeper lets you talk to for faraway away friends calls help when you need it in a hurry gives protection to your family and banishes banis bes loneliness if these reasor reasons 5 for having a ci telephone bone appeal cip to you then them be sure to find out how little it will cost you to have us put in one of these telephones then ther you can TALK T A L K EASTERN UTAH TELEPHONE CO SPRING CANYON COAL COMPANY miners and shippers of the celebrated spring canyon coal mines at str s butali utah general office newhouse sc salt lake cit utah L united states I 1 fuel company operating Ope ratin mines at MOHRLAND HIAWATHA f BLACK HAWK HAWN and PANTHER capacity capaci tons daily abu |