Show NOTICE OF SPECIAL election ELEC TION notice otice ie is h rel y riven given tl at a pedal special lection hn hai been ordered and arid called by th tit hoard of county conigl loner loners of 0 bounty Lou nty utah and aud will bi b i held ire III ad carbon county count utah on the tile dav 0 of may A 1 1919 1910 ak u deter tu iam the m in hither or nol bund blinds of alii said carbon counts ulah in tho the stint ot una ono hundred 1 lent ent vie r le IK dollar milars bearin bf arin iri inhere lerett lit at tho th air rite of nt rin to nix 1411 per cent ekr annuta pamblo ml annually pad sald b bold ot di made payable tv twenty enty ears fruin from alio t h 0 ditty date of ii ill tile op mon to redvers paid or ally portion thereof many at ally tl kinle in snafter after HIP the 4 ot te i a a etra shall be N aued bod and tto iti d h b tin stuard of county coin of sold carben county count utalia utah for tl th flirl oe of dorali df defraying rali tho ebene ep one ene 0 tit 11 out erecting rec ting constructing lini 1 ro lotair rol tair nir aud and the following q public roads and highways within till county of barbon ot of utah P of 0 incorporated collm and towns tow ii atilt including tho expense of I 1 letfin retting all nelear nel e ar culverts cul aid bri it rein and thi reon which ald said pi bile road roads and arid highway lilg hwa e ar art d it scribed ii A folios fol loft t to wit it at a point about bight talle is t ro ith from tho city of brite juh at lit 1 point abero the road the stat i road running kouth bouth from arico to untie astle 1 utah thence westerly to tim tile town of III alli l gatila also itt at a point polut about four inlet lilt 4 wa wt at of R iiii lilt it 1 pro re itu t atha 1 roa I 1 int r the aria e cantle haiti dale tate state road north wt wat try ariy riy 1 t J tie tl e town of 0 1 Va attl or it I 1 amritt alore foit ablo tho following route t tile town f NN atti I 1 erint ing at alt a patit lint about 0 i idill 11 northa tt froin palo chero faiq county conty road li it cpr eita alit arii roid tin hi ilk licit and chenco milti oil ti westerly to it th tho town 0 of mattli 10 1 o tit alii i pr 11 t tit county road irom rom iuni 11 to call roal t lk vic lie st ite tte ra I 1 en it irico ni d ritti W ahr r met at ti ill toan ton villi and running thence th roligh tie town t f lalm balm latti latino jt storrs torr and ile irle rip and tt tin inn ton to a joint ethere tho prep nt aunt r n ad inter ct 4 tho state roa ro I 1 ji j st t al at oti i liell heler er alo ablo the I 1 county road tile t awn awn of 8 SL ring men to ta t e to A n of kenil worth and aoi froin the awn of towards I 1 rici to a pant wh wit ru ro mid slid road iti it tim tat stat m r I 1 ano tho 1 lount rial ral from front the town of cipar creek b by evjy 0 of act ciel alel I 1 lea impaling fang tow irdi coltof utah t a point where said road fritt rt r acl t ets tin the abere carbon utah ah county lino line also ano the present couri counte tir I 1 tho town of cofield ant Mii tr quarters alo alto the present county roa roal I 1 iron rom ala alle tle gate utah through the tho to tonn n of campron cameron abid tit up canyon and lloree horse creek to tho carbon count county line alo aio tw ginnIng at tho the town of 0 NN s ell ington lii and anti thence nith sloth wei westerly terly to the finery county line alln 0 to o bg brinning innIng at a point on the price catle castle date 1 tale roa 1 about f ur mr ailts south of price an I 1 tl once ence in a herly t wharf where said road tile ti IN ellington road hailing hading to gitry nitry county all fittl oter voter who shall havo paid a property tax in carbon bounty count mate of utah viall in the year next prad ing thlu Pl alc plc etin tin arn aro to vote poll will ren i u n d tit clift time froin from in ill morning until t evan pit 0 clock lu in thi even dij board of bounty coninis t loi oro of S mm balcar bon ut fill d fly aliis RI 1111 ihunt am it chairman artt 11 r II 11 C comit oil lu kerl ajai mat erht I 1 int in t pill april 17 I 1 a I 1 til I 1 I 1 ma may y il 1 |