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Show NOTICE FOR rrW.lCAT.IOX ! r.o i:,.u Loud office at Salt Lake Citv. t'tsh p c l'2,Hld. Notice is hereby eivc-n flint thetol-iowmsr-namert settlei has nit-d noti:e of his intention to male linal proof in support or his claim, and that said proof will be made before be-fore tho county -lerk ot Emery rmtntv. it Castle Cas-tle Dale on February 6. is;,j' viz: Olaf SUnic. sen. declaratory statement llsll, for tho nor-h-eaJt quarter ol the south-east, quarter ot soe Hon 31; west half 01 the nortr.-v. est r, ,avtri north-west quaiterof the South-we-t ouater scene n i township 21. south n.ncr-n east' He nirmcs the -Miowins Wimr-.u to prove ilia continuous resupnee u'inii nod cultivation of, said laud, viz: "Nephi Williams Ifans Vickman, Peter Pun det son. Andrew thr istenson, nil ot Emerv, Frnery county. L't-h fB4.SK D HOMS, llegistir |