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Show time honord song "Where Did You Get That Hat." which bmmrht down the bonse, and the crits f.ir r a oncori- w-s so strong thr.t v.hwt r.t 'a.t i!e curtain began-to raiso tin. audience eceuied wild, lir, B. llisu snug the popular new song "Seveu Out." MORONI. Now that another year has been laid on the shelf and all its sayings and doinzs have become matters of history Moroni like her sister cities is looking forward to a year of prosperity and happiness, at least we hope so. The health ot the people is fa;r and business as nsual Is quiet after the holiday rush. The closing night of the new year onr Dramatic club gave 'an entertainment A goon andience were in attendence and the evening passed of pleasantly-The pleasantly-The play was entitled "Bitter Cold' aud was followed by the roaring farse Irish Tiger. Wm, Preewick, recently from Washington took the part of Paddy Pyne Mr. Preston, a noted local j vocalist favored the andience with the |