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Show , pi 1.1a 1-Oi! I TAll. j Tj,... ipio.amakm of iia- t-l! piv-,i piv-,i a I l.,ia ie-me I' ic, Ira Cairo in ,p(, aad Fat.'-ki-r,.-r !.. Sue ' ,adr, -on- . l-itN- iam-;, nil pilid il.tl.ii...--;;iatl v.'A o-ri.hi a: . " "0-c(. ti, :!: th- meaore v. as . n- le- ::,, .heifcre-ite-tem-its, atal :-c;-aiaii.- tia- li-ty etae, in l.m ..'.r.. , ! '.,! tie i int.uta ...a-.li.i ai-p-'ad'"- a im-e ine o the dan. v.-:a -ml mtt in edi in tia s.aiPeoi - i'raane-nts p- ti,.-j ' pui-p-rr ct P. tall La- 1-r -;-a;e i- . ra -tt. . leadia Let M-t . mUi a i(a: -a la a ifpubaepil term j cii-iV'-ai'ie: d m"tl oL-cug'hi td-iha rule ami .nip -.-im wouM i e t.t an .a,:. . 1 ae tail ;- v I- aota-ii up al.'l il p.ae-dons w..uh! ad e Utah m-ariy e-vcry pnvhe-a ot .iatehaad, uiole . 0 .y.ai'-! ia r ,-a.ii V C- i.t'ef t:.at i,c.,a::-. As ,.'.- i.s i.-Cial aiV.i'- a-e e.itaa'rad w- Weiidl e td -V ttel E-an-.e rtaa; - a- atkar . aCs. 'nu: v.e wmdd l ave i-.aiin". io ia Kitii n.ttiaad i.ffai-s. Of ctpa-' we wcuid t.:afo m-m.l if i- '0d- j;;S: l-.e i i.n.e. . C h-lf it l"..t ti .t h. t-et- 11. OpUO 1-iead. . dne-a ii hut if.iL- chaiiCa f )V lh .- j hill ' pay", in It.' prerOiik idi to, in ! i'.ict- Jrmbtiii! whether ttnv part y of it will be se al upon. Utah i; too hat-'iy for the disao-al ot l.i-.-k r do.:. pol'.tieians lo h- I-'1 oils, t ns'.ly, ami it will very 1 k.-lv J,c veat s Ur'r.re jn.-lia wilt he & me in ihemaC:-!-. Ig the r.K-aiilimc it j ' .. il4boa: JV-Lvi'ote thtf wo -toe j giiinit'tx iriammL it witl do in-; no ha; in to i-e i-p- ontiuually hn--fere the jr.. him. .. ran tdi'ord to. Wait a few yc.ti loppm-, for like our " , -Liberal friends, we all Imlieve thai, ,11,0 light is .hnvnin- in Ulah. ami Tjefme a t:reai while (he- lylorintts in oi'h-adom will shine- f--r its. as blight us it.,iiH-a far otheis. |