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Show H-mtV or yer'.-t S.i; saparri ! la. or ty.r-tet's ty.r-tet's U'.Uo Liver t'i!N .stw, KmM-n or beechum's 'tH l!i: ilriiai't who tries to Sell th, IH '!! ! - T ,-iitil. .Lars' St:- faparhla. liiown'j !.l.i!tlo r !(.- or Smith's l''i.t.,i-ia j- olT-ri'i a dir. ct Insult to their iiit.H! ;!!,-, thf ' ! if Hiiniatiag pretty nrntody that tfn '! ot know what they want, that tin-druggist tin-druggist is i.ot actuate! 1 y any tender interest, in his eusiomei 's i-o;fare. but 1'? a greed for mi. it, iia-.l finally, above, all, that reliable (Iris gist me md guilty ot attempted s-nbsiituiion, it would make n va-4 ddi-oemm in the feeling of iit men whs..- .uiuv-a yon have been paid pus:,. The hou.-st tie simper will do u!l in Kspcmei tofia-iher tim inbrs'a 0? its IM.ti-ons. It is net the lalvotisr, aiuae. Who is idWlril by this slihstilnlien. 'i he ailveriisei y, it is trur- a-.vin il.-.l, out of tin-fiistonur v, in, iias h.-..,i ji Cal for by his a-h-.rlhms;, bat tlt ptir',is,.r, the. aventc-e reailer, is the. per-oll w'to suffeirs nu-.st. Ik. i;ii,4, in the n a of the honest article- he risks far, a worthless worth-less imitation, stmu-tliiu? nan'.e to r-eii not lostami the test of use. It is not honest einr"titiou that lite imiioifaetnrers are complaiiiiiuiasaiuM, Mr. Brent Good for oxfiinn n. would not have the sliehteat. ohj - eti-'i to It -t- go-IU go-IU int.) tii . ,u i!iur.i-t.jr nT Li tile Liver Liv-er t'lils, ,0 i.H.K tts I nnnle the pil s iiem-stly ami coa.hu-o .1 my b-i-ims- on fair Im-inefS piineielcs li- yani,! ol. ject h.Mvrvrr, and jus!;y, toe. if I pat my pills up in ele-e imitation f f ids aa.ck-11? aa.ck-11? s' ami nude mv l-d.-Hlart.-ra l.ilti, layer Pills, leak us 11-41 'y lika hta a-passible a-passible withaut irt-: t i n -r p, r! .--.ai.-a. of the law. If. in .ai ti-h:a to thi-Slilfpiy.tho thi-Slilfpiy.tho illliiatiar, ,.:!-; to iitiif.-ci.-t-ou Mieh terms ttiat tie' ilisliae; mah-r-stanili.;i is lknt they are to bo ma ii as stibsiitii'is for Cnrier's m-al ran the benefits of Mr (ii a.i's iaht rlisin;-: he tiaiuriiliy looks to the p.mrrs with wiiom hf is sii.-miin- his money for piotc-thm asainst the fraud. It is a .j.'ty v.hi.-h the pap.-v owes to iu renilers wU! as to its a,lverr;er-i. To Mr. A. fra.ak Itteiuir.isau is line Die ertali: of havi ,g lirst Keita:. d a... niattn-, m, ,(, j..nria-uiist,l!eahz-n,: its importaiice to lh imblishin- miciiis, i.-.-a .!:.-.:-!. tc-k i Cp. We i.r-ias- to rj-.;hr- it cut. ti. this iirro untiil souie , !T: ct ii pro,ine-d Many of tne mod pioar.-siv,! a,i! iu-liueatial iu-liueatial ni.-..--.;.ers liav- air.aiiy i-s-ternj.il tiieir aid 111 t'ae ii-ln, ati-i "unrf wdi eou.e in. l ac ae,,e,aeai v. id ha- tit ft,i ,-ViUts. Clit- iiOa.teil.re f! Will tilatiO til? leg- I: Oaa.;.:,.rs ; .,;: Who, amors- the i.c , ,,ri.oS klT their rii-nds and who a; - in,!, a"; -a- 10 i their interests, -a.-! e. d. r:i..h; ;:a-m to nlsiril ate !h: :r s aa-:-:;-,- .laaaim?-i .laaaim?-i !y. The Joarea:,,: :.,;::. lu j ivetk rK-oi-Jthe progress or toe lajr : taent. ana Vi-i. ;;.ia..r art., das Hyaa n,,j i who are ia ro.-Ui- 11 1.. viite fcnv Im.iy 1 shall shrrtiv tiive tt h.-t of i'l.j i'.m-fs tthieti hve aiTay.ai taeaj-eh-,-:; on the iide of hone-; tCukajj an : aadnt frauatdent -ub. liiLiian, ;.,al tiait li:t.. hoa c-ompteted, will ior.n ,1 most vV;-uabie vV;-uabie aid to the large a lvti u--,a-,; placing (uuire i-atrmmae. l; t) to infer that the nape,- which r"fu--. : 0 work in the intertH of it-Man i 'rs mnl ai'.verii:-3 is net 0: lnncii vluo as an aJvertidnt; mfLiinm )c janst ioa'-; f-r, its patronage to ilio sul.Ttin fakir, who as yet.-iias not hrrijii tj a-tvctti -e SCliiTITL'TlON. There tan. never beet) ariy'ih-ubt in the m':..! of any one aci"aiBl-' v ii:' -y lunelFrei Drh-i-.e! of t&e ?t. Paul laaacr :v - s that briaher l-.i . Il i; e.v- a caod thii.e whet, la-sei-s it. Tn . in;,- , a. t::a: fu't!ir vidiiala, -lailty (d k'-aaill V. -iett !t Ws-u; a a-aed thia w!.-: : to 2,0 und get i,. K was la-rJee-py -.;;-a:. thin'riVl". a he eaw the prep.raay of t-,i.t, fh-iiiy t'.'iarucuting Upa;! a'at riders'n , Air. A Ti.,,;k rdf-r.ar.i.-ca's v.ry f ie-'Uen .. ,-lr .-H- bafare thy aiitariil eoaveitdoa ! thi. he sjiotad go to tU Journalist for i ike i ,.ti,i ge:Vmj-toce of his eclitoi-i eclitoi-i i d. That he neglTatKi 13 mention the autre of his uspiratiaa do's not nmier the circtimstiQces, arjuoy me. .My ofc-ieet ofc-ieet in writing tiio emtorial in qnestioa in my issue of July IS, ws to herteflt the nuhJishers of the eouotry am! call their attention to the cryhisr evil of ' substitution", which, if allotted to go on, -aid seriotisiy eurimd their alverlis-,ii,-receipts. Colonel Driscoll borrowed 'Frank Eichardori's Jtiuinalist enri ha.1 tne editeiial worked ever to. suit his issue is-sue of July -25:h, ami I sm !.i,.p-.- to Lave been iiistnimeut!:! iu putting the Colonel on the light faek, The. master is cf sue!, vital importance to the- pub. ii.-hera of America that I can afford to throw aside all prejudice ia favor of he. im- credited for my work.aad join ht-mls with Coioml Driscoll ami furnish him widii.ie r, if Leu! bo, to carry t-n the maht, The, bald fads of the matter are simp-:? simp-:? these ami they are serious enotnh to command the thou phis of every rublishe iu the Cniteri Stales. A number of the largest advertisers are contemplating the possibility of Le-ini; Le-ini; fotced out cf newspaper adveriisinp ami heiug compelled to resort to same other means to hrins? thiirjrih before the public. They me. ,,4nc.fi,i to this by rub. stit,itt,,a-c';,W-poiier lines a manr.fact-pr.-r osri'.jp-ii a reputation for a propri-et.ay,H.!ieie propri-et.ay,H.!ieie or a speeial-y by its fxefl-;!ema- ami crsuto a d.-mami for it hy O.b. ml a-iverfisinsthaa he is the prey J..f the .i!Witui8 tiend. linigwt, nr.-Iruppl'.id nr.-Iruppl'.id witn cheap ami n-.sty r-ora-! potiKdipnt op ia similar p-.ckases.hr.ar-! in simihir labels and having a similar apiapiiance on which thev can nmk-daubia nmk-daubia ami trebie protit. Take for ex" aipls the eai-e of a well known acd po-ptiiar po-ptiiar tonic. It is made of honest materials mater-ials and with all the advanttees of a larae plan!, devoted exclnhcly to the luatiufaetuier of the specialty it e,Jst sixty ceiity net per bottle to place it iu the hands of the druggist. The inanu-factcrei inanu-factcrei Coriteuts himself with a mode;t rietit 01 jltss than Cfteen cents a Lottie rml the druggist sells it for a dollar amla q rarter, clearing titty "eutson every l ot tie he sell. But that does not satisfy t!,e enlist. The suVJtnte i man comes a!:,u? vvitii -mixture of - water, burnt sugar and.llavoring trt whicJi ee,ts lc-s than five cents, tottks -j iahris and ail. He sells it to the drug i -Ard io: niteeii cents and that woritTy is thns c-nai-Ud to make a ehsr j rcCt of ei-f.-.y live cerdyoa the fra-jdultnt sub. sdtnw i.a against tifty on Ije p,.n, to:.i- . Ltd. tha iiit.;iiui nia:i doesn't adtr-I adtr-I the. jm rictsr.'t have t-, The tupim I faciurer of the genniL" at tide t.-.'ves j him that expeuse. You eater (he t)rh? ; sioro c.i .. or a iioam vi J,;.,;V I tonie, VVe hare a toinc of our ovvr. j wlncli v,.. tviisMt-r tetter than Ja:a.-.d 1 ami i-co.-ts tA-faty five cents his,,,., j l; Ji'-m. Jm:ir:-:s fhe man of dra ;s, i!-,j tin' ebiii.a s ar, in manj eaes. that v,,(-i v,,(-i tuil! !,d; i th- sii!,:,;itnte. Not becaisc oti iv,..ii to save the twenty live cents i ;.; becaipo- you Ere, for the moment atdiikeil into the heiief th,.t the dtu-'. I'ro.oi-r. d stole!? by im sfiectionate lat ay.i in ,;.i-WHirie. If you went '" y"'"' '"' uJ oolefed a quart of s-.a-b- iC-and he should urge you to r.ke r. i-cek of i-ot.ito.-s insteail because Uh" v.crjiii..reliealtlif,:l ami cheaper yatt v.cuht feel thilerentlv, bt the ilttig-a ilttig-a -mas that he has priviles which d.e moc.r,!,;.:-; p.,; yy. !-'-"-ilc WW leaders 11- pu,. .'let-, eanid be convinced that when t'ta -v y;o inio a shop I1,i k f,jr cuticura |