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Show PROFESSIONAL. The latest in Millinery and Notions. 11R3. XI. E. Mtxti'M, : : Proprietress.! H. SPERRT TOSSORIAI. ARTIST Mtinti, Utah. k " 11 j LOUIS !. LUYJM, Le,. The Best Oracles of Flour, rfirOr,JM and Correspondfi.ce t.AUMy Custom Work a Specialty. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Work, Style, Fit and Prices Guar-anteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailor's Trimmings Always on Hand. Suits Made to Order on Short Notice. EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. Wm. T. Re i d, PROBATE ATTORNEY , A-JSNJ' TO LAND A, C3- 33iT 1" AU KINDS of Probate business promptly attended at-tended to, and titles Feoured to Land under the -vat ions entries Office, Court House, Manti Utah. . TUERR tS ALWAYS ON i'uND A iTLL SUPPLY OF Lily of the Valley 1 VALLEY TAX REMRI1IKS W hite Rose F.KCK PO'YDFRq White Lilac J- PERFUMES (VlikiV4 nvniT Jockey Club WLIKlNa LIMMEM ?,ew Mown Hay J CA fiFIKLO TEA PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. " " J ' Li! Ul J - isa? Wilkes & Bbadwiok, LAND AGENTS y AND ATTORNEYS, - SALT LAKE CITY, ' - UTAH". . THE MANTI Mercantile Institution Invite attention to their large and varied assortment o Ladies' New markets, Jackets and Shawls, Misses' ar.d Children'. Vraps, Ladies' and Misses' Merino and Woolen Underwear. Men's and Boys: Suits. Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes Rubbers and Arctics. Hose, Gloves and Ftlittens .FASCINATORS IN GREAT VARIETY, Satin, Moire, and Velvet Ribbons in all shades. 54 inch, all wool Suiting at 60 cents per yard. Cashmeres from 25 cents to $1.26 per yard. MASONS & MONUMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. I DHAI.KR3 IlT Oolite and Marble Monuments Head Stones, Etc, Stone Yard opposite Tithing Office on Main street, Manti. , SCAND1NAYIAN DOCTOR. 1 Eosidence and Office: One door south of the Presbyterian Chnrch. Uain Street, Manti, Utah. Gur mm stoee, HEADQTJARTESS FOR Pure Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Per- I ?fumery, Toilet Article?. Etc. Psrsoripiims Ccn fully JiZ'.ad Vxi all no-jcr?. V,T. S. DA LTON, Manager; MRS. I. B. BRUNEL, Prop - '31 ; AGENTS FOR Acorn, Teoumseli And Home Comfor t STOVES AND RANGES UTAHISTOVE & HARDWARE CO . 'SSSf - SaU Mite City . ItFIRST-CLASSWORK.-ta : lEHTlE TREATMENT GUARANTEED. MANTI. .... TUAH TUTTLE & ST ACE Y, lire Insurance. MANTI. - .UTAH Authorized Agents for the fol lowing Companies : Ztt of Hartford, Hartford of Hcrfnrcl Continental of N. Y. Home of New York Columbia of Portland, Ohio: plTHE CONSOLIDATED -'.tj Are still in the lead with WHITMAN HAY PRESSES UTAH V punish STATIONERY COMPANY , Success irs to Henrie & Pochards, STONECUTTERS AND CARVERS. A Specialty. Cut Rock Fronts for Buiidings Neatly Neat-ly Executed. -' Pwo block! West of Lowry'a Store, Slant!. j iSSSUlMAIN ST m , s1 - - . . -a - ... ' . 72 Main Street - Salt Lake City - Manager. Toys, - Dolls And other goods for ttie Holidays, in add! . tion to a full liua of Books and Stationery Full circle, all steel, guaranteed to bale one ton per hour. No'Breakages and No Delays Brown's Patent Bob Sleds Four sizes, the best BOBS made. We always carry a full stock ot WAGONS, BUGGIES and FARM IMPLEMENTS. Houses at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan and Milford, Utah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho. Children Cry for Pitcner's Castoria. Something Hsw - Shipler's 1 Satin - PHOTOGRAPHS Finish Have no t3 to tl per dozen. eqnal Hooper Block, First Sonth, between Main and State streets, Salt Laks City. |