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Show NOTICK OF ENTRY OK L4XD. Xotico is heiiby given by 1 he undersigned, the mayor of Moioni citv.in Sanpete county, that I havo ent.rd, at the rnited States land ortic at suit Lake city. Utnli territory, for and in behalf of tiie inhabitants of Moroni city in Sanpete county. Utah territory, the following described land, to wit: The suit h half of th? eouth-wot lyiartor ot section two; the northeast north-east rum nor ot the north-east quarter of section sec-tion nine; the north half of the north-v.-fsj quarter and nonh-east quarter of section ten, and the north -west qnvti r of section tleven . ail in the township ot lifteen snuth. of range three east of Salt Luke nrridmn. I'ttih ter.i-torv, ter.i-torv, and containing rive hundred and twenty uercf. Public notice is hereby given to ail (n-rsonsor person, associations or corporations, claiming to be the riphtful owners of possession, posses-sion, occupant or occupant., or to be entitled to tlie t-eeiiO'.ney or possession of Mich land as above il ftr-ribed. or to am' lot. b!ock share or parcel thereof, to file with the cieik ot tiie pndjuto cant of bdnpeie county, n stttemcnt in writing enntiiiunir au acnm e ui st notion of (he j art cuiiir parcel or parcels , of bind in which h M-e or Hit v oUiin to have ai.v imerept. and th1 specitle. riht. interest, or : cstztte tht-rein. which he. or th.-y claim to ! be entitled M receive. Said s'tMenunt to be I tiled within six months from the daie of the first publication of ibis notice, Dale: nt Moioni city. February 53. A. ,1$90 I A Nt ittw L Jensen- j Meyoi of Moroni City. |