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Show STATEMENT of the condition of the Manti Savings bank at the close of business on Saturday, Satur-day, March 5, 1892: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $91,5ti9 85 Banking house and fixtures... 4,018 77 Due from depositors 1,491 64 Hue from other banks 3 45 Expenses paid 788 54 Cash on hand 12,727 10 Total $ 111,229 35 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $23,000 00 Surplus fund 2,371 68 Due depositors 43542 77 Savings deposits 24X0 76 Certificates of deposit 1,140 00 Undivided profits 5.536 85. Snspenso account 2,251 56 Due other banks 7,295 73 Dividends unpaid 60 00 Total $111,229 35 TERRITORY OF UTAH, County of Sanpete, kS9' I, Albert Tuttle, cashier of the above-named above-named bauk, do solemnly swear that the ahove statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Albert Tittle, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22 1 day of March, A. D. 1892. Sal John Reid, County Clerk. Attest: Luther T. Tuttle, Herman J. Christensen, Directors. |