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Show has beeu heard to say, he bplieves the new comer is a democrat. Not being very well versed ou polities, some one has stated the way to distinguish a democrat dem-ocrat from a republican is bv the clothing cloth-ing they wear. That is- republicans wear;stove pipe hats and fine clothing, and the democrats wear cowboy hats, overall's etc. As the new comer had neither silk hat nor fine clothing, he thinks he is leaning towards democracy. dem-ocracy. However this is only Mr Niels-n views, and if he did not want to be criticised crit-icised he siioui 1 n ). have said so. Perhaps, Per-haps, when Mr. .antiland eimes here, he will lind still nir.ro difference between be-tween tho two great national parties, par-ties, and we will wait and see. Subscriber. Fountain Green. ti;erc! Si, 12. Editor Sentinel: Since my last I writing I am pleased to state Ferdi-' Ferdi-' 1,-ti.d Ericks.-n i.ud I't. V. "omiriug, bo'h I Of M"ll"t PlAR!' VV -VirtUBil lliia I placa iii the inter. t of democratic i principle", and an in o.ifliz ation cf a demoeianc sjciety has beu e:I etc-1 ! lit re iu Fountain i reeu . w it':), B. L-alie i president, Thomas Weeks vici prtsi dent, Uoorgo Cuter secretary, aid , George Crov-ther treasurer, with Ja ut s C dlaid, Lars Nielson, aud Antoae l t-terson t-terson executive committee. A iu et I iug Ims been organized for Frbky eve-; eve-; niiig the 25th insiiiiit. An invitation '. his been extended to Mr. avid C.aiii:-tand C.aiii:-tand of Chester to come ami speak on tho occasion, und give us a few of his views on democratic doctrine. We j know he is good for it, and hope he will ! meet vviih u. T he health of the people in Fountain Green is generally good, but torry to ! say that cases ef eiiphtlier a have i just broken out in the family .of Andrew Hansen and one in tho family of Hans Hanson, Ve have Dr.Juhusou after them and he is solid in such cases, and we hope ho will soon be able t.i conquer Mr. Diphtheria, as he has so often done before. We have had oue marriage since last writing, and a great mauy births, I don't know exactly how many but there have been lots of thein, and our new bishop has not escaped in this Hue. His wife presented him with a son some time ago, and they say the bishop is proud of him. Our townsman, Mr, Lars Nielsou has met the same fate, his wife presented him with a eon ou "St. Patrick's day in li e morning." By the way, Mr. Nic-lson |