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Show tained and satisfactorily answered in the minds of every loyal citizen. "Senators "Sena-tors are statesmen. Representatives are politicans," was a statement remarked in thj recent hearing of the heme rule bill. But may we ask, "Is it not the privilege of every man to be a politician Irrespective of representatives; nay, is it not man's sacred rights to be a statesman. states-man. Irrespective of senators?" It is rumored In town that the Sanpete San-pete Valley railroad has been bought by the Bio Grande Western. We flatter ourself, with Boon being able to reach the capita! by rail. Our school grounds present a new aspect this week. Oar busy trustees have put up a nice double fence. By all means, let our schools be cheerful homes. After all, children are the citi zens of to morrow, let them experience that ''no place is like home." A. J N. FOUNTAIN GREEN. March 19, 1892. Editor Sjntinei.: Diphtheria has again broke out in onr midst. This time in the family of Andrew Hansen, a little boy being the afflicted one. The case is however on the improve. With the exceptiin of above case and a few attacks of Influenza, the health condition condi-tion of our village is exceedingly fair. The relief society celebrated their jubilee with much hilarity. The fore-jioon fore-jioon and afternoon being devoted to appropriate speeches, songs, declama- tiou dialouges etc., wnue me evening favered the society with a gay dance, a leap year party at that. The political parties are now in fuU array. A democratic society was organized organ-ized Friday 11th inst. Mr. Thomas Heeks was chosen temporary chairman and George Carter temporary secretary. The meeting was addressed by Lawyer "Erlck-on and D. Woodring. It is certainly a most welcome event, the political question, that has forced Itself It-self opon the people of onr territory. What are national parties? Their anol-ogles anol-ogles are questions that should be enter- |