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Show l . ML . I m a "I " Un ! . u -- , v - ,g . . . , . . . j . m ., ,-1 Readers of The Sentinel: eovX o ,c ovA owe cVvee oec . A, rP A Crowning aX' triumph. i1 " VAees Wev, oA tw v ir,eAir. Vncta xvrC Wei viuv&e "Pn-'IVet. GROESBECK & HOUGH TON. Rowe. Morris, Summerhays Co. DEALERS IN We have the best natural LEAF TOBACCO in the ierrritory for dipping. dip-ping. Also Wool Sacks, Fleece Twine, Sheep Shears, Etc. S-A.I.T CITY, Utah. P. O. Box 778. Correspondence Solicits . ASLEEP ON THE TRACK. A little child, tired of play, bad pillowed his head on a railroad track and fallen asleep. The train was almost upon him when a passing stranger rushed forward and saved him from a horrible dearh. Perhaps you are asleep on tha track, too. You are. If you are neglecting tha hacking couh, the hectlo nush, the loss of appetite, growing weakness am) lapsituda, which have unconsciously crept upon you. Wake up, or the train will bo upon you I Consumption, which thus Insidiously fastens its hold upon its victims while they are unconscious un-conscious of its approach, must be taken in time, if it is to be overcome. Dr. Pierce's Qolden Medical Discovery has cured thousands thou-sands of cases of this most fatal of maladies. If taken in time, and given a fair trial. It im guaranteed to benefit or cure in every case of Consumption, or money paid for it wilt be promptly refunded. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness Short-ness of Breath, Bronchitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient effi-cient remedy. Copyright, 1R8, by Worlds Dis. Mkd. Asb'm. tJ offered for an if J Incurable case of Catarrh In i&J the Head, by the proprietors Of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Ouly 60 cents. Bold by druggists everywhere. Stringham & Stringham, THE BABY" SNATCHERS. ARE GOOD AT TAKING BABIES Fotografs while you wait but they are not like this etching. Beware of imitations imi-tations and get a genuine picture of yourself. H. A.Tucket Candy Co. 850 E. 1st St. S3 ia It ials.e Oity, HEADQUARTERS FOR Fritz Brothers Cigars. The Largest Steam Factory in the West. MANUFACTURERS OP Fine Candies for the 1 Retail Trad. |