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Show THE MANTi ROLLER MILLS LOUIS F. BECKER, LESSEE. THE BEST oRADES OP FLOUR i& OnltTS h ltd ('orrepniiili'ticd boliiMled. Custom Work a Specialty. Si'Tn and return to this oiUee. a 'i f f I I f I 4 j , b,.C a P " " S I'HOFES SIGNAL. THE TEMPLE DRUG STORE TliEKE 13 ALWAYS ON IUND A FULL SITPlY OF Idly of the Valley 1 VALLEY TAX KKiiKliIKS White Rose FACK POWHERS White Lilac y PERFUMES COLIRIX'3 LiNTilEXr Jockey Club New Mown Hay J AXFI&LD TEA PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. T-i 15. NKWTON, . i1 . painter and Dcerater. ' Ailislie Sin or a Spe i:lti. s. Manli, 'tab. QTRlSlifl'M & STR1NGIIAM. o sentinel Ait l'a lit. rs. l'Uolosraphers Main Street. Mniiti. JJ ll.SPEKRY TONSOKIAI. A 1ST! ST Manti, I'tal.. f J. IIANSKX, General lh.uscliilu r. P. O. Box 50, Manti, t'tiih. Bin I'll & WILSON, ttornovs at Law and I.-.nul olluv A:'eut 23 North J' street, l'rovo. I tab J W. WlllTKCOTl'l IN. A. P. GASH. Whitecotton cv Gash, Attorneys at Liw. Uoouis 10 ai.il 12, liank l:iii!uin;;. Prove. I 'tali. TAILORING ESTA'dl.ISHMKX l Work, Style, Fit aud Trices Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailors Trimniinca Always on Hand. Suit? Made to Order on Short Notice. EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. THE MANTI Mercantile Institution Invite attet.tion to Iheir large and varied assotiment of ladies Newmarkets, Jackets Jack-ets and Shawls, misses' and children's Wraps, ladies'and misses' Muslin and Merino underwear; men and boys' Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers. Arctics. Hose, Gloves and Mittens, Fascinalois in great variely; Satin, Moire and Velvet Ribbons in all shades; 54-lnch all-wool Suitings at 60 cents pel yard; Cashmeies from 25 cents to 1.25 per yard. Wm.T.Rei d, PKOBATi: TTORNKY AiND Xj ATI D A. Gr ZE1-N" T Ali MHOS of Trobate business promptly attended at-tended to, an J titles Focuied to Land under the various entries Office, Court House. Ma.nti. I'tah. -HKAl'QfAliTKsS FulI-Plire FulI-Plire Drugs', Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery. Per-fumery. Toilet Articles. Etc. MRS. I. B. P.RUNEL, Prop JD E3 JNT T I Si "X1 - ("FIRST-CLASS WORK-"1 BtHTLETREATMEliT GUAP.sSTEED. MAX'TI, - - " " TlAH TUTTLE & STAGEY lire Insurance. WIANTI- - iUTAH Authorized Agents for the fol i lowing Companies : Etna oT Hartford, Hartford of Hurtford Cautinefttalot N. ". Home of New ork Columbia of Portland. Ohio. Physician and Su'-geon. Special atten ion given tothe nose and throat BARNARD WHITE, J. F. GRANT, F. R. SNOW, President. Vice President. Secretary and Treasurer. W.B.PRESTON, MORONI SNOW, W. W. BURTON, E. M- WORKS PROPRIETOR OF THE All kiudsof Siding-. Moulding, Flooring, Doors, Windows. Sashes etc. constantly on hand anil made to order. One block wesi from the Temple hotel. i W$& ' i S.E.COR. J XMainSouthSt -f WKTEE STHINfiHAM IS prepared to fill all orders for Lime large or small. will be delivered 'to any part of the town ot Count', at reasoiv able prices. GEO. A. bNUW. fJlrvt-UJtUK.3. JayEyeSee EpTI Canton Sulky pli Clipper Plows uftr Steel plows McCORIYiACK MACHINES CONSOLIDATED IMPLEMENT CO. We always carrv a full stock of Wagons. Buggies and farm implements. Houses at Salt Ike, Ogden, Logan a Milford, Utah; and Idaho Falls, Idaho. Manti Co-op, .... Agents. |