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Show -"PIKE'S PEAK ROUTE" IOLOKAHO MIDLAND KAILVAY. Superb Secnery. All Standard Gauge Shortest Short-est line between ogileii. Salt Lake and all western points to Denver, Colorado SpriDgs, l'uclilo, and all points east, via Glenwood spur,!.', Aspen, Leadville and llauitou. SCENERY I NEIJl ALtll LlJlHr.MENT VNSURPASSED Through Pullman sleepers ami Pullman, tourist cars betw een Dcnvei and Sau Francisco. Fran-cisco. Through the heart ot the Rocky mountains. The most comfortable, the safest ami the cranUeat ot ail trans. continental routes. Trains leave union depot, OMen, at S:30 p. in. Rio Gramle Western depot, Salt Lake City, at 9:50 a. m. and 9:5o p.m. U. C. ilt-RNiTr, General Agent. 41 West Second South street. |