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Show being more than for all otheiv expenses during the past year. The bill of tho quarantine physician, which caused strong language, was allowed in full. The bill of the city marshal for 111 dollars, salary for three months, for services faithfully performed, was reduced by the city council on the plea the funds were getting too low. X This paper is not to be held responsible for the opinions of. its correspondents, and, as to the aecurancy or the above statements, it is not fully advised.--: Eim'On. Fairview. March 28, 1892, Editor Sentinel: Our city continues contin-ues prosperous, and sickness for the time seems to be a thing of the past. Winter seems to be putting on an extension exten-sion of snow and wind. Our saloon keeper declares it to be his intention to renew his li ;ense, after a short rest from business. Fonr cf our juveniles were arrested today for breakinginto Joseph Seeley's I house and getting some preserves aud fruit. The oldest was lined 4 and the other offenders 3 dollars each. The C'ty fathers have held several meetings of late. A large amount of business has been disposed of as the council had not met for two or three months. A great many medical bills were piesenied aud allowed, the amount appropiiaUd in the.diphtheria cases |