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Show Of the rivers now known to geographers, geogra-phers, 25 have a total length each of ever 1000 miles. There are two over 40C0 miles long, the Mississippi being 1300 miles, aud the Amazon 402'J. Four others are more than 3oU) miles the Kiaug. in Asia, extending 3'jOO miles Yenesei, Asia, 35S0; Niio Africa, 3240; and the Hoang-Ho Asia, 3340. Sfveu range between 2hX1 and 3000 miles, the Mackenzie and Rio Bravo in North America, Platte and Rio Madeira in South America, Volga in Russia, Amoor in Asia, and Niger iu Africa. Those between 1000 aud 000 miles are the Arkansas, Red, Ohio and St Lawrence in North America; Rio Negro, Orinoco and Uruguay iu South America; and Euphrates, Tigris aud Ganges in Asia Most remarkable of all the great rivers is the St Lawrence. It is 1400 miles long, and with ihe grtat lakes and tributary rivers, its ejsteru eoveis an area of about 73.CCO square miles, nnd contains at least tinuO cubic miles of water. This is by far the greatest body offrebhwateroutheglobe.au idea of its vastness being conveyed iu the estimate of Professor C. C. Diuwiddie that 40 years would be required for it to pour over Niagara Falls. The lat itsne of fie Price Eastern Utah Telegraph co t-.iued a typographical typograph-ical error fatal to the wishes of the Emery county people who wanted to attend the Salt Lake couference. When the people arrived at Price to take the train they learned the conference had been in existence several days and uiauy returned to their homes. The house of representatives at Washington Wash-ington are roasting our ilr. T homas for vetoing the world's fair bill. Indignation Indig-nation is aroused as the members learn the truth. When he read his little essay" to the legislature he little thought it might have a terrible recoil, j and he might yet have to pack his little grip. Local issues iu the elections in cities in Michigan, Ohio, Ijwa, Kansas ami North Dakota took precedence. Where party lines were drawn the republicans had the best of it. The democracy, however shows great gaius. |