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Show suspension of all privileges now enjoyed by Canadian commerce is also much talked about. Bills have been introduced in bth hou-e and senate lor the repeal of al federal election laws authorizing "the appointment ol deputy marshals and supervisors for service at the polls, but will simply be a waste of time for the democrats iii the house to pass it, as it wiil neei be passed by the republican senate Washington Letter. Congress is feeling its way veiy slowly, and beyond the introduction of a few bills, some of them of importance, its members have been devoting their time to ascertaining the sentiments of each other towards proposed legislation. The . republican membpis (eel that it is rot fur ttiem to propose and the democrats feel the necessity for going slow on any tiling new, and they appear to be in doubt about some things that are not new. The republicans sav the democrats demo-crats are waiting to ascertain Mr. Cleve- I land's wishes before showing their bancs. Theie is at least one thiti-r noun umrii the Cleveland dtmocittts ant the hill democrats appear to be in perfect accord. That is the repeal of the Sher man s Iver law. Senator Hill has himself him-self introduced a bill in the senate 1 r its repeal, and a similar bill has b.en introduced in-troduced in the house by l V illiams, of Massachusetts, who is one! of t lie most ardsnt admirers n Mr : Cleveland in congress. 1 lie m -roiiuc i lion ol iheebiils ir.d.cates that liiedcm- ' ccruts expect nolliing to ne acconio 'isUtfd at the iti.ertMtional nioneUiv . j cu:.ieience, and they hie not alone in that expectation, j It tl e talk of members i j lion, it seems s.o'e to predict that Pie;:-1 Pie;:-1 dent Ifarns-.'ii's reconimei Ccrnin a further restriction .! muiut-t.1. : I U011 and tiie establishment ot a national ' I qu.iiai.tir.e will be acted iessioa. A bili has been -. die house by a democrat to oiuvute i.v a national quatautine, and one in ti e : senate by a lepublican to suspend innni- : i ration Mr one year from next Match. : 'l'his last bid is approved b (' and liouse immigration cot will also be introduced in the house, ;j ,.liiat it can be pushed without any tin- j . lucessaiy delay. t j Sei.atois Kyle and Peiier ; lu'iy alive to the importance of their j I votes in the oranizatiou of the Fifty-: j thiid cjtisress, and neither of them :i! give th? slightest indication ct v. hicli party they intend to vote wun in ta.e organization cf the senate. It is apparent, appar-ent, b.o.vever, from their conveisaiion that tl'.ev expect, with qther third party sanators let t j be elected, to hold the balance of pon e' in the next senate, and that their intention is to insist upon cer- tain concessions from the party that gets CorreaS never during my long service in Washington received a president's annual message with the inddlerence that it did President Hamsun's. Or. course the message meets the approval of the republicans, but for various reasons they have displayed no gte.t interest in it, or in fact in anything else. As facetious ex Speaker Read puts it: " a-e are merely blowers on now." The democrats speak slightingly of "it, just as the republicans in congress will be certain cer-tain to do of President-elect Cleveland's I messages. Tom Watson, the Geo'gia populist member of ''Where was I at" fame, says the message reminds him of a boy who has been licked daring trie other lellow to do it again. And so It goes. 'The king is dead; lonjj live the king." Secretary Foster's annual report, in which he shows, to his own satisfaction that therhou!d be a surplus instead ol tiie predicted deficit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S94, is not as comforting comfort-ing as one would have supposed such Inf jrrnation would be to the democrats w ho Kie now eriaagcd in preparing the bills carrying the appropriations for that ear, winch must be passed by the present pres-ent congress, for the verv simple reason mat they do not accept the sccreiarys names. In a (itutt wav tne spcaKctsu p cf the i.exi nuiise is aiteaav exc'imsr co: siaei'-1 siaei'-1 a.oie interest, a.iu. u ;t soau soon be t t elk I c t I r 1 er t ' 1 b i ! b;orbii:g. :-:r. Crisp is the t.iy avowed e 1 e I -uiUm ol .V,t Vii.a... ia,.ii, U i Itidian;' :.!:.'.;!! 'U Te:,..es,ee and' I k - e t j ,.a,i;i a.ai l.-caaic a cmpclilr, with ' ':., auairt.L beaan in at! .wn, f lite tie.,ty v.nii C..vt W.:.u 'lAx,x-.;,l.& Hit sidi-'i on J.e gr,al lakes. , a. 11 b--en iitvaen ana is now cxcmu t oio-ii interest. Senator I-iye s bill! or a |