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Show No, 158! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofllee at Salt Lake City, Utah Oct. 29th, 1MI2 Noticeis beieby given that ihe following-nauietl following-nauietl settler has Sled notice of his intention to maKe final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Comity Clerk of Sanpete countv, Utah, at Man 'i Ml on the !jt(h of I'ectmi liM' V-'. yrt "w'lr."S eTTi b ,.,;-e c. 2J, s W S E li. Sec. 20. Tp. 19. S R 1 K. He names the following witnessess to prove his continuos residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz : SlartinSorensen, B.'igharji Jensen. At:d rey Anderson and William 1). Childs, all of tiuu-uison, tiuu-uison, Sanyete couuty Utah. Bird & Lowe, Frank d. hohbs, Att'ys for Applicant. . Register. 17 t S3. |