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Show Awarding Medals. Chicago, Dec. 13. Individual judges, not big juries, will award medals and diplomas to exhibitors at the Wcrld's fair. This is a decided innovation, as boards of judges have always been em-pic-jed at great expositions. Ii is ftisy cheaper, as 650 judges, instead of 3,500 to 4,000, wiil do tho work. The now plan has been called the American sjs-t3i. sjs-t3i. The judges wiil be selected from America and foreign countries, in proportion pro-portion 'o the number of exhibits from eash. The relative number of the foreign for-eign and tho domesiie judges cannot be given at this time. It wiil not he known until the catalogue is almost ready, when tire committee on awards will know the relative number of do-'npstie do-'npstie and foreign exhibitors. The -i s will begin work June 1st and finish as soon as possible. Another important innovation is that these jadges shsil s.-sy in their awards of medals and diplomas why they give those coveted prizes to certain exhibitors. exhibit-ors. Tha specific points cf excellence must be stated in each case. The Amer- ieau jddgjs wiil receive S-lOO fi.r their services and foreiga judges $1,000. The The differsnee of $100 is intended to cover the C03t of reaching Chicago. In order to carry ont this programme congress con-gress wiil be asked to appropriate $700,-Ct $700,-Ct 0. A report for this sum will be uiado Ur a few wicks, perhaps earlier. It will t-j iu the form cf an amendment to Pi tsidriit Palmer's statement of the sum needed to carry tho national board thi'titia the ytir beginning June 30, 1S33, arid ending Jane 30, 1891. Senator Palmer's estimate of the funds necessary to fcctp the national :rd going next tar, which was recently seut to con-fifess, con-fifess, did not include the requirements of the coffiinUUc of award.). That eon-res3 eon-res3 ill vote tha sum lifccded to pay these judges is hardly to hi doubfrd. Tfia presentation of awards is one of the thiegs left exclusively to tiie national na-tional coflimissioe,. Trio Chicago direct ors have nothing to do with it. Ail I award.; sre to be mad-j tii.d.'Mjjtrtr? lion of ihe nalieaal bjaid. Con-'ress has on several occasions acknowUdsed its responsibility in this direction. , The pl:iu-agreed upon to-day by tha full , committee of awards was propose ! by j J-r'rn D.-iyd T!;.;cher, of N:w Yo'rk. Mr. Thachtv is chairman of the executive eomniUtee of awards, the board of which committee, after a number of meetings, agreed to tho plan proposed by Mr. Thaeht-r. H'hen the meotin? was called to-toy there were present B. B. Smalley f t Vermont, John Boyd Thadier of New York, A. M. Cochrane of Texas, Thomas L. Wiliiani3 of Tennessee, Wiiiiam 8.ie!l of New Jersey, A, T. Button or the district cf Columbia, Oscar Iiuntiey of Alabama, Professor King of West Virginia. Vir-ginia. Mark McDonald of California and |