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Show J r ' C v Ir I nl l t rt t 1 i t I 1 t 1 st 1 1 n. s.,;;y at the oo:,..; Hutioii. 1 S r t I t t C ! s I r i 8 oi J 1 l 1 i nil ir. . Jr o of th ' 'i . n v: Vr.hiv " He lUteU'.lS to s t I L 1 f v days LOCAL BRIEFS. tc it f.-a.i enough? Go to Calic-ons for ail ! hold goods. ! Joseph Judd is ones n friends in Manti. The county court holds its last meeting meet-ing next Monday. George Snow has on exhibition one of the finest sleighs that Manti has ever owned. The tax collect r is making a last appeal for taxes. This time he is doing it by writs. Jacobs & Cramer are having a thl'de for a nice album. The county officers iiav r 1 credentials and are filing toeir bonds, as required by law. Mr. Ezra Christiause his shingle, beautifully 1 c the door at Lowry's. (. ft l i I utb r Stnmrt Co. of Sii: I.:.:;a City, was in town this weeK ta tiio interests of liir firm. We regret to inform our readers that Mrs. Snow, wife of Warren Snow, who has been ailing for some time, is in a critical condition. FOR Sale. Five acres of land with water right, and two room adobe honse. For further information apply to W, M. Kearr.p, Gunnison, Utah. T 1 t 1 1 cu 1 the c-.i.i.ii-f (ir c-n.nnniii at their last I T t gs are I it tfflt 1 1 I I p of Pro- f a 1 iday 1 x eace That free trade brings 1 of furniture is proven bv tne great redaction re-daction of prices at Cahoon s. "Where did you buy j "At Cahoon's. cheapest p get furniture, carpets, siuve. nr. Have you settled your t.:xs yei.- 1 not, you had better be se 1 penses are running up all u;n inn-. It is rumored th t the didates for the office of i They are Swen 0. Nielson. in. j. i a.i.. land and Wm. K. Keid. Attorneys say thatdi; county is rapidly i faster than the increa ( would seem to demand. It is a good time for e 1 1 getting their loose st There is do economy in r r 1 L 1 f t Rio i;r .mt-. T,iern lie is willing to .-. t'" r.-.J if ho can pet his o.vu !.!. -nv is !!i c'lance to OKU a j 11 r tents 1 f 1D5S68 I t! I alb fore a I t r 11 -nd a '-'a', sp.'nt to s-e about it. ! ( I c I home 1 y a at of 1 1 ghter I 1- e t t ilr I 1 ol 1 t f low- I I P t for 1 f I p ob.ite j y T . W. t 1C 4 Tier- only to neglect ttiem m ma v- nre'r. The sexton has beei abe work in tho cexeierv oi Un?. a:al the improved appearaa city speaks for the sujc C A red flag in the Tutt e r the public that an auction is some; on. A good many bargains iu the furau'i.e line have been carrieu away by jlmu rieonle. For the bsntut of t ao N irtu War,; Sunday School a dance will be ?ivea a. TrrvT5 iTnn KridiT eveit'n.:.. t , which all, old and youus -re conliauy Invited. "Sh?.U Utah have sta I t subject for a debate at Rnox cuiiogp. Galesbnrg, 111. Oar fellow townsmau-George townsmau-George Braithwaite, takes tne aui rma-tive rma-tive side of the question. No. 1, Vol. l.of tho Tooele litres Teached ni this week. Eauor .mix ci the Amgricaa Fork Republican snd onr old friend Harvey Trenam are tne projectors. We wish them success . I J e Ui liitecl 1 1 t L brain I other In a 1 1 r oldest 1 1 n C ot tempi! tem-pi! ary insanity. T t a E liraim S 1 to m ke an edn- iFair f ff t chooi 1 1 n tee to r I t t King 1 1 L of (. s Manti. He exp r-;s. atier makniff this trip to v t 1 s f ids in Kansas ilr. I.ideU has maue many tiaiv.u; m .-.inn; te. who will be glad to n 1 ro n I c 1 t W. W. of G o 1 p tment t 3 e f S c unty. It l f t t t q II 1 lver is iisM to baat. for wrule otner office 1 o r tl e b ty our We are informed that some prominent I republicans of Sit. Pleasant assert taat a deal was made between thr m and tae democrats of that place to vote azams; the election of a selectman from sontn-ern sontn-ern SaDpete. We are loatii to beueve our friends wonld engage in anything o unjust to the general good, and woulc be pleased to see them refute the statement. state-ment. Mrs. M. B. Reese, of the V. C. T. U., lectured on temperance on Thursday evening at the Tabernacle. Quite a large audience were in attendance. She epoke more particularly on light driuks beer, cider, etc. A song, "Saloons Must Go," was a featureof the evening's programme. She organized a branch . of the Union on her last visit, a few months ago, which has been doing fairly well. Mrs. Rsese went south, lecturing In the various settlements along the f T w t e b ga"e. 1 c c r ,1, etc, w d 1 t f t below f lot site of t 1 h 1 h a a Salina 1 1 a 1 t d abor. 1 o 1 i 1 v. 1 adl a little to tiie store of such curiosities that have hren discovered in that locality, in the past. Tiie Logan Journal has a crowing rooster at tho top of one of their columns, col-umns, and uademoath the lines. "Logan is to be sued by an Eastern corporation." What there is about that to crow about we fail to see, but perhaps our contemporary contem-porary thick cities, like newspapers, need a lawsuit to make them worth anything. On Tuesday evening a nnmber of the young ladies of Manti met for the pur- - read. Clinton, the tea-year-old son of Mr E. W. Fox, while playing iu front j the Presbyterian school house yesterdav J noon, was run over by a horse which had gotten loose from tho blacksmith shop near by. The boy was picked up unconscious and carried to the residence of Mrs. Watt. Dr. Olsten was soon on the ground and did all he ce.ald under the eircamstanees. The dojtor thinks there is no cause for alarm, although the injuries may bs serious, they are not necessarily fatal. A nnmber of the friends of Jaeob Ruesch and Mrs. Friesnickt concluded to get up a double sarprise last Sunday eyening, the former having just returned re-turned from a mission and the latter having reach" d the alloted three score and ten, and two to brag on. A splendid supper was spread -at tbe residence of Mr, Raescli. Music and singing by the German choir, speeches, etc., were the order of the evening. The lady was presented with a nice pair of blankets. An enjoyable time was spent. James Lewie, for some time a miner at the Sterling coal mines, while serving serv-ing a term -for being drunk, died In st Friday of pneumonia, contracted before his arrest. He was buried on Saturday in the city cemetery. For some time previous to his arrest he had been drinking drink-ing heavily, and as usual in such cia neglected to take proper precautions for the preservation of his health. Dr. Olsten did all that could bs done for the unfortunate man, bnt without avail. Bishop Reid conducted the funoral services. pose of organizing a orancu oi tne vt . C. T. U. Foui tean members were present, pres-ent, ana we may soon expect to hear of a Voung Ladies' Temperance Union in M ii'ti. Next Tuesday evening they will have a ineet'ng in the Ladies' hall. A nice progratjajsa has been prepared and all are invited. Toe following prlie-s have applied for ma-Tiaga licenos this week: Joseph Johnson aad Maria C. Hendrickson, George H. F.irns.vorlh and Sarah E. Lake, all of Mt. Pleasant; F. E. Carlsen, of Fairview, and Josephine Fischer, of Mi. Plea, ant; X. P. Peterson and Lena P 'ferson, of Ephraim; fieorge A. Waite and Ilannah L. Chiles, of Springville, and A'es Scott and Annie Brown, of S ;iina. Mr. Alex SeaU, the Selina miller, and M;s-i Annie Brown, also of Salina, paid 1! inti a sjert lisit on Wednesday last X iy arrived c;i tho up train and departed de-parted on the down train; but a great differenco had taken 'place in their relative rela-tive situations. Se.liua loses a dressmaker dress-maker and the mill has received a mis-tresi, mis-tresi, The Repop.tkr wishes the high contracting p .rties success in their new "here. For Sai.k: A forty acre farm, clear tide, ail f, reed, good water right locafel in tha Cimnvon field. Also two city lots, adjoining each other, a large five room house, harn, granary, and a flrst-class v, -11 on premises. Situated two blocks east of conuty road Gnnni-"onS Gnnni-"onS .npeto County. The above to be ptire'ja-.ed toeother or separately. Address, Anthony Madsen, N. 24 3 m Gunnison, Utah. |