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Show I ! I7iih ana Cal.iornia Fruits of ail kinds ! a toe .Manti Grocery. ! .Mr. KUifiifk of Sterling was in town j Moi'.'I ay r.2.1 niraiu to day. ! A.) a ncTrsj-aper, the Corinne Caiioye is j loiter UiHtt formerly. P. I'. I-'e't of Provo wasj Jn this city T . ', y i.i 'l fte'.luesfiy attending to -0.U0 buSUlCSS. Prtt stay at home, mope all alone, ; I-ttnco ill Grl:'-, ' jo-j.! j Nvaiiy ail ire t-tcu-j. are cii 8ed lo-oii fu-day v.rt poutsh ilu turk-.' a ml to- A strange fight a iliuLk was seen on our streets Sunday. Jim Corbitt iurcbuJ ii.33.e00 worth cf New York iai,.t Tko day. Thaukjivin-T service in tha Prcaby-teriau Prcaby-teriau church at 11 a. m., Thursday. The school clii Itl. - :tV .iirmer a: 3 n. u.i. i today promises to le p. jnat sue. ccy. Jo;eh t ; , y.ife ;i;u family were in the t-. tuple city Tuesday ami Wednesday. Wednes-day. If, 0. Jii.ii'i-, of t!-j oisoii wr in ,ili-c;;y ,ili-c;;y Tcvidi.. Ait looly in tb.tt hai. s-a.,s i:. c. The people of l'rovo have decided to elect a uon-partizjn school board. The gas strike at Ogd.m has caused tho people of that town to smile very broadly. Colonel Lett and Will Lett of Salt Lake will treat the newsboys of that town to a thanksgiving dinner today. The .Salt Lake Tribune asks, "Why not clean the city? GooJ idea commence com-mence at the Tribune office. The weather clerk grow a little previous pre-vious this morning, and gave ns a snowstorm snow-storm two days before it was expected . It is said that the Co-grove S.fe Works ,viil erect a $20C,000 plant in iu Salt L'.ke city. Let us hope it is true. ' A fire at Salt Lake last week' des troyed a two siory carpenter shop. The. origin of the fire is unknown. Loss about 11500. Craggs, "I aim at the truth." Scraggs. ' Yon do? Well, a little target tar-get r-raclico would do you a worid of good." There will be a conjoint session of the Young Ladies' and Young Men's llntnal Improvement Association in the tabernarle Tuesday evening Dee. Cth-All Cth-All are invited. Osc.ir M. Lambert ww found dead in a ditch last Thursday at Silt Lake. It was at first thought the man had ,beou fonily de.Vit with but an investigation show, d that the man was subject to epilepsy, and bad fallen into tha ditch while in a Qi. Benner X. Smith has been appointed by United S'ntes Attorney Vanau as one of the Assistant United States attorneys for Utah, under the Poland bill. This is dona at the request of Mc. Stephens, who cannot spare froai his private practice prac-tice sufficient time to attend to all the duties of his cilice. The Keofcck Chronic-Is siys Jarns B. iiA.M.i'.: M. W"'.i;s has been fixing nj the ;. ''ui, si that work can be car- re '. o tari!i? the wiu'r-r. sh-.m.iker u building a lare ;:c. bar;;, .. Lull ioiuluiai it will ke ;-n ? oi i u 6 finest in town, Mrs. Mary Ann Hyde of Spr.ng City went to Salt Lake Monday to eat thanksgiving thanks-giving turkey with her relatives in that city. Louis Jacob3 of Jacobs & Kramer went to Salt Lake yesterday to eat thanksgiving dinner with his friends in fiat city. "Inter A, Eilisworth deputy recorder of Salt Lake City has been forced to resign, re-sign, because he "'mimicked council men." Lucky dag! J. 11. dinger, representing Co-op. W.'.get. and Machine Co., was iu this city Monday. Ho is returning from a trip through Sevier. "fmkey is haviug a hot time of it" M-.id Peter is he burned his tougne whiie luting a price from the hind leg of that s'uif.Tiug fowl. J .hit Robuison, a miner of Alta was rohbeinf and a silver watch bv a f.-iend (?) in Salt Lake Tuesday. The t d-f i.as been ajrested- Oar underwear will out-wear in wear i.uywhere, any underweat bought elsewhere." Jacobs & Kramer, "Tnc Racket." We have fnqueutly noticed that s:o;'i; is allowed to roam at will upon our nj;i!a thoroughfares. This is contrary con-trary to law, and not a it should be. Tl.e hoard of health have been quite : u.-t lately making examinations of corrals and other out buildings. They report a genera! feeling of willingness among me people to follow instructions. instruc-tions. Oa Monday Geo. Brox will move his j 'we.ry store from his present location to tattle's new latidiug. He will make son:.!'. au;tio..s to his present stock and he preps red to supply his customers with everything in the jewelry line. A l'-vely diy v.'as Hjm'ay. Tho sun ..;, a-- in briiiiast stdenuor, the autumn LOCAL Er.l-.FS- ru.key D..y. Danes to-'i'g'it: Hosv do you like the REl'ultreu? Ah e :'u a -i e; :be for U RlPOKTKK. "The people want more money" and we are the peuple. Hon. W. K. Reid is once more at home among his friends, Canute Peterson of Ephraim wesd to Salt Lake Monday. N. H. Felt went to Salt Lake Tuesday. No mistake this time, Mr Jacobs has gone north to assist iu eating Thanksgiving Turkey. Parley Peterson of Shnmway farm -went to Salt Lake ou Mon 'ry. Miss Foote cf Nephi has been visiting friends in this c ty during the pat week. Mr, T. R. Schroeder of S-.iina was in town Saturday attending to some business. busi-ness. Ward Stevensen went to Provo Wid-needay, Wid-needay, He is expected bit-i; about Sunday. L. Farr.returned to his home inCVi'.en llonday, after a short stay in the Temple Tem-ple city. Mr. H. E. Taylor, who has beet; ea for some mouths i3 expected home in a short time. Geo. E. Bench y,as op from SiUna llonday. He reports everything lovely and all bnsicess fair. Sir, Ward Slevcnm has fevered h;p conn etiou with tho EpVr.in Enterprise. Enter-prise. Anthony Madsen of Gunui.-s:;n paid tho Reporter a pleasant call Saturday afternoon, , Mark Spencer, represent ir-g the Ctab Plumbing & Supply Co., wft, in tlds city Monday attending to the wants of his customers. He left Tl.-so -V. Some, time ago we nfivtrl: d fore house which wa w's'aed to reat, :.nd we have no les than six si. '-v. t s. Ar.d still some persons, say advcr:iting dos not pay. Niels Sorenson of fiainil-: i vr-ts in thii city Moh.ia'. ca 1 uitu-- s cGi.ai-r-trii with the Gunnison re-o rvoir J. A. Tnft cf Sunnircn accoiapanied Air. Sorenson. Peter Ptulsorj, oi.r gputoel com p. v; at to Ephraim Monday to ",-ec her." We don't know 'Vf eotrse" kit folks are telling ns that Peter's matrimonial iu-clinations iu-clinations are assuming a s-'rior-' form. "Beautiful snow," ihe poet sang', As he gsz"d on t'r.o drifts so white, And a boy with a gill, threw a big white ball, And the poet, slept not, th it night, A fierce storm swept over Illinois and other states last week and did considerable consider-able damage. Telegraph poles v.ie broken, houses blown down and several persons injured. The dance at Grier's ball ir.st Friday, although poorly attended, w:.s a very enjoyable affair. The dance ws given up once on account of lacs of numbers but the boys got together and dug up enough to pay for all, and the dance went on. Jim Williams, Utah's champion pugilist pugi-list demonstrated the fact that he could fight, Thursday last, by knocking Chas. Turner out in eleven rounds. The battle bat-tle was hotly contested and highly entertaining enter-taining to those who enjoy such exhibitions. exhibi-tions. James T. Jakeman was captured at Park City on Friday by Captain Dona-von Dona-von of Silt Lake and placed in jail on a charge of forgery, Jakeman is in a tight box, having swindled several persons, Work is still being pushed oa the sawing and turning blocks of stous for completing the temple terraces and steps. It will take over a mile of casing cas-ing for the terraco wells and the bal-lusters bal-lusters for the stairway v. id baa lon job; but it will be crowded to a finish, .l.oo !...; ;o 1 if v , t'.o snowcapped iii!' i. v."i'i the soa'tering clumps of .-hrr.lo.ry loo'i'- J uio-:t pic-turesqae. lo.tUn fiirr.nier, trie 1 iviiest part of the ;-, v.; s rpon ii", in ali its glory and 1." ;on'::.ve r.:i item, don't be afraid to h t :;s V.-j v: r.i oul it. tVe are in-tet in-tet c- ;- d in ail that partains to the well-b, well-b, .;:;; cf th" cc-anuutiity, and the com-B'.nuit com-B'.nuit is icuda up of tho individuals. Yeu ate iiivi.ed to call in and see us, and tell us nil you thiuk will be of tuiere . to our readers Diver forwar-U'd to the I'-' t-:; Historical Histori-cal society a relic iu the shapo of an old single-barreled shot gun, once the property of the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith. The gun and an ' Id fashioned eight-fjnt clock which aiso belonged to the prophet, have been in Mr. Diver's possession for the past 30 yeoro. Nanvco Independent. Editor Christrnsen of the Ephraim Enterprise was in our city on business last week. He says lie is coming over to have his photo tfikn ere long. He is a little f.frai.,1. however, that te will break more cameras than the pen-puller of this dish rag and consequently is in no hurry. John Connors, a stonemason employed on the Salt Lake city and county building, build-ing, when at woik entire highejt section sec-tion of the walls lost Ins balance and fell to the ground, a distance of sixty feet. The fail vas broken somewhat tha man striking oa an iron girder midway between the top of the wall and the ground. The force of the fali stunned him but it ia thought he is not seriously hurt as he was able to sit up and talk. Died Iq this city Friday last, Ch88. Xielston, of pneumonia, at tha sge cf seventeen years. Fuueral services were heid at the tabernacle and a large cortege cor-tege of friends followed the romains to the cemetery and saw them covered int) mother earth where the last long sleep is taken, The young man was well known in this city and respected by all. He leaves a widowed mother to mourn his loss. The deceased had been ill for some time with the dread disease nd was thought to be on the road to recovery, reco-very, but he wa9 very . weak, and the doctor says he died from exhaustion followed fol-lowed an attack of pneumonia. Tho Loivi pipors of the 16ih. reports av ry inv d election be;; Two residents o' Hyraw. C. FJ, B.baus and Al. Halver-sott Halver-sott to ; i a hot. the loser to push a wheel, lurro'-y ia which the winner was sa.ite d from the Co-op corner at Hyrum to the Ceop corner at Logan, a distance of about seven miies. Mr. Bebaus lost and paid his b.-t like a little man. W. H. Peacock went to Salt Lake cn Sunday to attend to some legal business He will arrange with his lawyers to se a day for hearing of a case involving tho ownership of a valuable piece of mining property situated at Red Cliff Colorado. His lawyers are so confident of winning the suit that they have advanced ad-vanced ail the necessary cash for expn. seo. Before returning to Manti Mr. Peacock expects to go to Colorado. More building has been going on in Manti thi3 year than at any previous time. Among those who have been building fine residences may be mentioned, men-tioned, Isaac Riddle, Jid. Crawford, Lewis Me.dseu, Christian Madsen, Lewis Tuttle ami Lewis Olsen. All but the last men timed are of brick, Mr, Oisan has, completed a fine rock house, whi h is indeed a credit to the builder. Foil Sale. A forty acre farm, clear title, all kneed, good water right, hoc itcd in the Gunnison field. Also two cijv lots, adjoining, each other, a large five room house, bain, granery, and a firs', class well cn premises. Situated tv, a blocks east of county road Gunnison Sanpete. County, The above to be purchased pur-chased together or separately. Address, Anthony Madsen, Gunnison, Utah- The school children will give a grand entertainment today in the city hall and also in tlin Sjuth Ward hall. A magnificent dinner will be served at the school rorm in tho city hall at 3 o.clock p. m. In the evening the young folks will a-soruhle. in tho South Ward hall and trip tha light fantastic. Ia addition to the dance the following program will ho rendered, Recitation, Elizabeth Kenner. Song, Cordelia Anderson. Recitation, Jemima Scott, Song, Lillian and Fronia Ludwigson. Recitation, Ezra Christiansen. Song, May and Nellie Buchauau. Muiie, Eloise Vorhees. Recitation, Alice Anderson. Sour, F.uonia Buhler and other. Story, May Mar:k. Smg, Henrietta Forbashand others. ' Recitation, Leah Reid, A veia of gold bearing qaattz eigl t feet wide has been discovered iu InJtf n Creek about fourteen miles northeast of Beaver, and about teven miles west of " Marysvale. The property is owned by M. O. Billings, Fred. White and James Boyter, and promises to bs a very valuable peice of property. John A. McConnel of Willow Creek was in town Monday. He paid ns a visit and a years subscription He reports everything moing lovely. Xumber is scarce and iu good demand. Mr. McConnel made a few bets on the election and won a cow and calf, a hat and five hundred feet of lumber He reports re-ports several case3 of diphtheria in Redmond. Professor Johnson lectured in the City Hall last Friday evening on the World's fair, and also on temperance, the first lectures were illustrated with stereop-ticar stereop-ticar views of the lair ground and buildings. build-ings. The temperance lecture was illustrated illus-trated in tho same manner the views showing the degredatiou into which m m falls when once he begins to drink. The attendance wait small, mostly of children, and the professor felt a little discouraged. |