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Show A HIGHLY J J DIQESTIBLK AND "" NWTBITIOUS Vom erlow twit (Socoa -BEST AND COES FARTHEST) The Exquifille Natural Flavor is Fully Developed. No Vanilla Used to Cover Inferiority and Imperfection. t Wm.HKing. I. I). Ilontz. KING&HOUTZ, BttorncvsatXaw. Rooms 6 & 7 First Xat'l Bank Building rKOVOCITV, - UTAH. IBootI) & TXXxlson, Httot-ncv5atsQLav. Lock Box 336-PROVO, 336-PROVO, CITY, - - UTAH. A. D. CASH, Httornevatsaw. Boom 16 Bank Builiiios. ' PROVO, CITY, UTAH. S- K. KING LAWYER. Office in National Bank of oommerce Blukl'g PROVO, - - UTAH. THE MANTI GROCERYy CARRIES A FULL LINE OF AND Headquarters For Utah and California Kariy Grown 1151) 3 Fruits and Vegetables Free Delivery to any Part of the City. Sentinel lock, Manti, - - Utah. S. R.Thurman, Goo. Sutherland. I'HURMAN & SUTHERLAND, Httorncv!5atXav. Rooms land 3 First National Bank Building PROVO. - - " UTAH. ' R J- KROUPA, " anaEletical Cbcmtet an5 asavcr. Laboratory So. 33 North J street. Price List and Sample Safks mailed on application, ap-plication, 'opposite' K tdred0 Block. 1. O. Box 105. PROVO. - UTAH C. S. WILKSE, Office in U. S. Land Offlce Building. anb Hocnt anb Httorne Wilfces&Gbabwfch Land Agents and Attorneys. SALT LAKE CITY. - UTAH XL G. JSaUe, LAND ATTORNEY. Office next door to U. P. Land Office, Salt Lake City. Obtains pattents tor Agricultural. Deseret and Mineral Lands Correspondence solicited and information in-formation given. FOR OUR TUTT1E & CO. MANTI CITY EfiflSB'lffll Capital Stock - $50,000 Stjbpltjs ' - - f 10,000 DIRECTORS L. T. Tuttle, President. H. J. Christensen, Yice-Prest. Albert Tcttle, CaHhier, Peter Dyrf.ns Asst Cashier J. B. Maiben, James Crawford Jr., Wm. G. Crawford, Jas. Metcalf. Transacts a General Bulking nsiiitss. Receives deposits payable on demand "" Five per ceut paid on saving deposit.". Fireproof Vault. Safe Akilutely Burglar Proof, Money to loan on Real Estate, City and Farm Property and othsr approved security. ; - t 1 i r- 'inHMiMii iiimriifitfiifiki -T-n.. it- m33 FUBNITUftE & CAP?T 00. 234 STATE STEEET, SALT LAKE CITY. Owing to the enonrmona Increase In onr trade we find our present quarters Inadequate to aceommc-date'onr aceommc-date'onr business, we have closed the contract for the erection of A Mammoth Building, 110x163 feel in size, which we intend to occupy In 90 days. Our $160,000 Stock Consisting of Furniture, oodQQQQQ Carpets, Queensware, SxX$ Curtains, Stoves, i !!H8ISo I Ranges, Hardware, Etc- Must be sold at once REGARDLE33 OF COST. We don't intend to move a DjlUr'a worth of onr present Stock into onr new Building. HOU SEKEEPERSi LOOK up THESE bargains at once When you come to Salt Lake City FREED FURNITURE & CARPET CO- RUPTURE, f ' 1 - PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY. W - f-f'' yt No detention from business. "Wo refer yon to tf:- 800 patients in the State of Colorado and six Na- , y- ?jj tional Itunks jn Denrer, also McCoraick & Co V S ! Bankers, Salt Lake. j i Investiaate onr method. Written gnarantee to abso- i ' A, lutely cure all kinds of RCPTURE of both sexes, -with- ) out the nse of KNIFE OB SYRINGE, no matter how 1 . .. ,y luug standing. A - 4-" EXAMINATION FREE. A THE 0. E. MILLER COMPANY, - Vj,. Rooms 201. 2fl2 and 203 Constitution Block. Salt Lake x - k. , J'P; . ity. Office Hoars, 9 to 12 a. m.. 2 to 5 p. m. |