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Show WM. M. ROYLANCE & CO. WHOLESALE Fruits, Produce, Eggs,Poulry & Grain Cash Paid For Egs Poultry and Grain. WRITE US FOR PRICES SPRINGV1LLE, - UTAH. IMPORTANT When in the Ci(y take your meals at Popular Restaurants. the " Saddlerock, No. 219, AND- Arcade No. 217 Main Si JSerets JDoan Co., props. SALT LAKE CITY, - - - - UTAH. The Iftalj plumbing gupplij Go., Jobbers and Wholesale Dealers in Plumbing, Gas pitting, and Steam Goods. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO IRON & SEWER PIPE. 164 WEST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. H. C. JAMES. MANAGER. HOWE & TAFT, WHOLESALE GROCERS. PROMPT S1IP3IEX1S OF ALL MAIL ORDERS. 28 CENTRE TREET, - PROVO CITY, UTAH. -- - . i I On li 0 Ui Hi Looking for the People's Equitable Co-op Assn. r, (next to Zion's Savings Bank) (-" (, THAT'S TBE PLACE TO BUY I Clothing, Mens', Ladies' & Childrens Shoes J cti - 1 i-i Complete Assortment of J" DIY GOOD, 10TI01S Z Do not fail to visit them when in Salt Lake City. Their price's p i"H are a ways down. Prices furnished on application. g H. J. Foulger, Supt. l86o ESTABLISHED I860. Music Falac, Sole Agents for the WORLD RENOWN ED AND THE UN.EQUALED We carry everything necessary for the conducting of a FIRST CLASS MUSIC BUSINESS. Guarantee &u Goods, aad Defy Competition in QXTALirv and PRICES. USEXD "FOR CATALOGUES. 45 and 47 W. First SoutJi Street, - SJ LT LAKE CUT- PAINE & LYNE, Dealers in WOOL, Z3:iXD"E3S, And Gro-wers Supplies. AGENTS FOR HAZARD POWDER AND COOPER SHEEP DIP, And all other Sheep Dipping Material. 151 FIRST EAST STREET (State Road), SALT LAKE CITY. IT PAYS o-, Sov Tvrcve, "Sxvs 3-obn Scrowcvoft & Bom. OCSrIDEJTAJ", - - UTAH. 1 O. AixxjtroiLg, J. Leading Wholesale Jobber of SeGds7Hayr Grain, Flour foFeed, . .72, m SECOND SQUIB STREET, SALT LASS CIT7, UTAH,: Storage for Ihe accommodation of Farmers, telephone no. BTIFIGIAllIMESi Kracee for Seformtties, Elastic Stochfnaa, Crusees, Etc. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. 66 Main St., Salt Lake City. House in Utah Handling both Dry Goods, Notions and Grocercies WHITE FOB PBIGES. WM. T REID, Probate Attorney and Land Agent. Alll kinds of probate business promptly prompt-ly attended to, titles secured to land under un-der the various entries. Office in court house. John Henry Smith, Prest.. Abraham H. Cannon, Tice-Prest. THE CO-OP FOTlTimE CO, No. 11 & 13 Main St. north of Z. C. M. I. Salt Lake. FEO OOT.1TO THE 15,. - We will offer Carpets, tfuvmture Sic At special low prices. Conferance visitors are invited to examine onr goods and prices before baying. TO. W. Xailliams, Supt. HOESLEY & CO Manufacturers of We make the best QUALITY of Brick south of Provo and are prepared to HU Orders at any time and any quantity Du .Ing the Season, Orders Received at Kiln. Three miles south of Manti on county road. At the month of six mile Canyon. Cbe tils TResort in Central tltab Where the people can participate in the grand sport and pleasures- " BOATING, BATHING, FISHING and DANCING, Base Ball Grounds! Race Track Jfirsb Class Hotel Sccommooations. Special Rates to Camping paries, J. Fielding will run a conveyance to and from the lake. v KI N GlTMcWrTLElor WHOLESALE GROCERS AKD MANUFACTRERS of CONFECTIONERY. IVIail Orders a Specialty. The Largest Wholesale House in Candies and Nuts in Utah. OCDEK CITY, - - XJT&H |