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Show bl wn to pieces and another workman seriously hurt. Quiet reigns at Homostead but the feeling against nou-uiiiouists is becoming becom-ing so bitter that further bloodshed is feared. The strikers attacked two men on their way to the miil this morning but deputies interfered and arrested the two assailants. Sheriff McClary is again on the ground and, if necessary, will increase the force to maintain order. At 11 p. in. Monday night a qnarrel occurred between a number of colored non-unionists and Homestead colored men, just outside the ninth avenue M-E. M-E. church. The non-unionists drew revolvers, re-volvers, and a number of shots were fired, but no one was hit. Diring the fight two white men came along, and one of them cut a negro with a knife, Several arrests were made, and all now is quiet. A fire at Brooklyn Saturday morning in storehouses on the river front occupied occu-pied by Holton Bliss & Dallett, agents of the Red Line steamers which run to South American ports, caused a los3 of half a million. The place was filled with cotton and the fire is supposed to have been smoldering several days. It was one of the- largest warehouses on the East river front. Two deaths resulted re-sulted from the fire whtch broke out early today in Uarbreck's stores on Furman street. Foreman James Smith of engine No. 4 aud half a dozen firemen fire-men were on the upper floor throwing streams on the burning bales of jute when the flooring suddenly gave way beneath them. They were all rescued except two firemen who were buried beneath be-neath falling timbers. They are John Francis Spaulding, 29 years old, and Wayland Estes, 32 year3 old. The meja are unmarried. The fire is still burning fiercely at midnight and it is believed the building and contents will be a total loss. CASUALTY RECORD. Groveton, the county seat of Trinity county, Texas, was almost entirely destroyed des-troyed by fire Saturday afternoon estimated esti-mated loss $75,000. Insurance light. A fire occurred early Saturday morn-tug morn-tug at 601 East Sixty-fourth street New York in a building occupied by woodworking wood-working firms, which caused a loss of 100.000. - - While the democrats were celebrating atWeet Point Miss., over the result of the election, a cannon buret as the parade was passing, and five were seriously se-riously injured, including Mayor Ware-who Ware-who had bofh legs broken and may die. Six persons were slightly injured Saturday evening by a Cleveland and Canton p.vsenger train ruriniflg into an electric motor car at Cleveland Oiiio. The cars were crowded and the escape of th9 occupants is miraculous, . The Honeybrook mine, at Tudenreld Pa , operated by the Lehigh and Wilk.--barro company is burning furiously. It will probably be totally destroyed, the mine be floodtd and 600 men will bs thrown idle. A teriffc explosion occurred Siturdsy morning in the Cataract Construction company's jlunnel at Niagara Falls. Over oue hundred and fifty pounds of high explosives ignited from some mysterious eause. Buildings were de-moiished.-debris of every kind filled the air. Master Mechanio John Hoben was |