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Show Primary Fair Notes- The Fair opened Wednesday, Nov. 9th at 7 p. m. e - Opening prayer by President Maiben. Acting Mayor Luke in behalf of .the Mayor of Manti declared the fair opened A fair sized audience had assembled who spent the time very pleasurably till 10 o'clock In examiug the bewildering bewilder-ing display of useful and ornamental articles on exhibition, and in "social conversation. The Fair continued open for three days and was deservedly well patronized. patron-ized. On Friday afternoon the unique feature feat-ure of the day was a baby show, in which an interesting array of Macti's best crop were presented to an admiring audience. Among 6uc'u a galaxy of infantile Iovliness it was extremely difficult for (he committee to award prizes, consequently every baby present received one. First prize, a sheep given by Manti republicans The democrats not to be outdone, promptly came forward for-ward with two prizes. Possibly their recent victory had some effect on their liberality. The mothers of the babies are deserving of much praise for responding res-ponding so promptly with their trear. nres to contribute to the attractions of the . fair and tho enjoyment of its patron pa-tron J. An interesting program was renderid each evening by the Primary children, and a party of larger bo s who had kindly offered their services as an added attraction for the fair. The various mercantile (irim eama down handsomely in tha way of handsome hand-some aud useful articles for prjzes which were awarded for various specimens speci-mens of the children'o handiwork on the last evening, which was followei by au auction sale of cakes, etc., which provoked considerable merriment and added very materially to the Primary tank account. Dr. Stacey as auctioneer, left nothin g to be desired and was ably assisted by Miss B.-ll Soillsbnry. Following li ali6toftbojo who re- eaiveil nriz.u. 1st prize, for cake, Eililh Ciark, age 6; 2nd priz?, Jennie Lowry, age 7. 1st prize, bread, Aggie S'.oan, age 8; 2nd prize, Belle May R rid, age 8. Other prizes for- cookery, Bertha Rtiesb, Lottie Watt, Lydia Anderson. Prizes for decorations in autumn leaves, 1st, Edith Clark, aged 6; 2nd Allie Cox, aged 7; 3rd, Walter Hoggan, aged 9. Hand sewing, 1st prize, Lizzie Freis-neek, Freis-neek, aged 7; 2nd, Allie Cox, aged 7; 3rd, Belle Tuttle, aged 8. Painting, 1st prize, Ella Bnch; 2od prize, Fred Tuttle. Wood carving, 1st prize, Archie Buchanan; Buch-anan; 2ud prize, Jacob Stark. The Primary ffficers desire toexteud their hearty thanks to all who so ably seconded their efforts to meke the Fair a grand success, including the awarding award-ing committee, people who loaned articles ar-ticles for exhibition, the schools which lent such valuable aid in the way of map drawing, also the yonng ladies who assisted the offiears in their arduous labors and last but by no means least, the Manti Reporter, for efficient service ser-vice rendered. |