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Show BLOWN TO PIECES. Reading, Nov. 14. An engine drawing draw-ing a train of empty coal cars on the Philadelphia and Reading road blew up near Schuylkill Haven esriy this morning, morn-ing, killing five mentearing up the track, dismantling the locomotive, hnrl-Iug hnrl-Iug the machinery several squares and scattering destruction all around. A large crowd gathered from the surrounding surround-ing country and got together the remains re-mains of the railroaders whose bodies were fearfully disfigured, Thosj killed were: H. A. Allison, engineer; William Mackay, fireman; William Cowhey, extra engineer; William Kendrick, conductor; William Moyer, extra fireman, fire-man, Probably fatally injured: Michael Dobbins, brakeman. The extra engineer, fireman and injured brakemen had brought down the train and were riding ba.'k in the cab with the regular crew. The exoiosiou came with out any warning warn-ing whatever. |